Throughout the years, numerous vivarium owners are considering adding springtails to their mini-ecosystem.
While pet owners begin to understand more about springtails due to the power of spreading messages across the internet, there is a certain description for these little critters.
Did you know?
One common springtail comparison is between temperate springtails and tropical springtails.
So what’s the difference when it comes to temperate vs. tropical springtails?
One of them can be described as a janitor while the other can be described as a meal for larger animals.
In this article “Temperate Vs. Tropical Springtails,” you will learn:
- General information regarding temperate springtails
- General information regarding tropical springtails
- What each of them does
- How they are used
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Difference Between Temperate And Tropical Springtails
So what’s the difference between these two? Why should you know? To learn about reproduction and how springtails react to certain temperatures, it’s important to understand temperate and tropical.
Temperate Springtails
Temperate springtails are springtails that are much smaller than the tropical ones.
These little critters prefer to stay in a moist, cool, and wet areas. For a short amount of time, they can withstand extreme temperatures.
Their size is generally smaller than tropical springtails.
Tropical Springtails
Temperate springtails are springtails that live in warm temperatures, which is also known for their rate of reproduction in vivarium tanks.
According to several owners, tropical springtails typically requires less attention. These guys prefer warmth and moist areas in order to reproduce better.
If they aren’t in a warm environment, you can expect the reproduction rate to slow down.
What’s the difference appearance-wise?
Tropical springtails can appear plumper while temperate springtails can be seen as thin and long. Tropical springtails are usually twice the size of a temperate springtail.
Both of these guys are tiny hexapods with an insect-like appearance.
How These Springtails Are Used?
For the record, the majority of vivarium tank owners use springtails as food for reptiles/fish as well as using them to help decompose waste. The type of springtails you want depends on your tank environment.
You have to ask yourself –
Will this type of springtail go well with my tank environment?
Once you understand its compatibility and the environment, you should be able to add the proper kind of springtails to your tank.
Many vivarium owners use springtails for these reasons:
- Help remove decaying matter (plants, insects, etc.)
- They can spread good fungi
- They are beneficial to mini-ecosystems such as serving as food for your reptiles/aquatic animals.
Springtail-Related Questions
Here are the questions commonly asked in regards to springtails. Hopefully, this will answer some of the questions you’re in search of.
Where can I buy springtails?
You can buy springtails on popular e-commerce websites like Amazon. You can also find them at your local pet stores. Since many businesses are closed down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s recommended that you purchase them online. Click here to see where you can buy them.
How can I use my springtails as mold control?
You can use your springtails as mold control by introducing them to your moldy ecosystem. They will help clear unnecessary waste, which benefits the vivarium tank owner.
Can you catch springtails in the wild?
Fortunately, you can catch springtails in the wild. You can find all the steps and ideas provided in this article from VivariumTips to help you catch your very first set of springtails.
How do I remove mites from springtail culture?
If you’re dealing with an issue where mites are invading your springtail culture, I wrote an article explaining how you can separate them properly. This article contains 7 steps to separate these two creatures from each other.
How fast do springtails reproduce?
These little critters can reproduce at a rapid rate. During the beginning stage as an egg, they can grow into an adult within 6 weeks.
From VivariumTips,
Hopefully, this article helped you understand the basic information between a temperate springtail and a tropical springtail.
You can find many springtail-related articles on to satisfy your needs for knowledge.
If you have any questions, feel free to comment below.
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Purchase Springtails For Your Ecosystem!