14 Poison Dart Frog Facts You Probably Didn’t Know!

Poison dart frogs are amongst one of the most popular types of frogs. For such a cute-looking vibrant creature, the incredible facts behind it can keep you on the edge of your seat.

Ready to learn about the exciting poison dart frog facts?

From researching one fact after another, here are 14 poison dart frog facts you probably didn’t know!

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Poison Dart Frog Facts

This planet is filled with a lot of exquisite creatures, many of which are still unknown today even with the massive advancement of science and tracking technology.

However, even the ones that we know of can sometimes leave us in amazement.

This is because they are completely different from the creatures that we have come to believe are the norm from the animal kingdom.

The most comprehensive fact that we can say about the animal world on this planet is that there is a lot more unknown than what we know about it at this current day and age.

One of the most exquisite, poisonous and wonderful looking amphibians is the poison dart frog.

Did you know?

Also known as the poison arrow frog, the poison dart frog is a native to South and Central America.

While they are bright-colored, they are also one of the most toxic amphibians that you would come across.

Let’s have a look at some of the most interesting and wonderful facts associated with the poison dart frog:

Fact #1

The poison dart frog is an exclusive creature to the Central and South Americas.

Now that one’s interesting!

Fact #2

The coloration of the body of this creature is directly proportional to its toxicity. So, the brighter the coloration of the frog, the more is the observed toxicity of this amphibian.

Fact #3

They are called dart frogs due to the toxic secretions emanating from their body which was used by the Native Americans in their blow darts for hunting.

Fact #4

They come from the family Dendrobatidae.

Fact #5

Most of the species of poison dart frogs are very small, averaging a size of 1.5 centimeters in adults, although a few have been known to grow to up to 6 centimeters.

Fact #6

Adult frogs lay eggs in almost any moist surface, be it in the leaves, exposed roots, or anywhere in the subsoil.

Fact #7

They are considered to be one of the most toxic and poisonous species for any animal.

Fact #8

Studies have shown that different variants of poison dart frog contain different concentrations of toxicity. For example, the yellow-colored poison dart frog has the capability of killing over 20,000 mice with its poison.

Fact #9

Many scientists are of the opinion that the toxicity in the poison dart frog is derived from some of the insects that they consume.

Fact #10

The poison dart frog captures its prey with the help of a long sticky tongue, similar to that of an anteater.

Fact #11

The sex ratio in the poison dart frog family is leaning towards females. This leads to an uneven sex ratio, whereby females have limited choice for mating.

Fact #12

The male poison dart frogs are territorial, have a brighter coloration compared to the female, and are extremely aggressive towards other males.

Fact #13

The fertilization of the eggs by the poison dart frog happens externally.

Fact #14

The poison dart frog secretes alkaloid toxins through their skin which is more of a deterrent towards larger predators like snakes.

With so many interesting facts about the poison dart frog, it is no wonder that a lot of scientists are enamored with this small creature of the amphibian kingdom.

From VivariumTips,


Overall, there’s a whole new world when learning about the poison dart frog. This is one of those creatures that shouldn’t be neglect. Instead, we can learn and explore this fascinating frog.

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