Aquatic Creatures Archives - VivariumTips Perfecting Your Ecosystems Tue, 12 Jan 2021 00:11:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Aquatic Creatures Archives - VivariumTips 32 32 Are Fish Reptiles? (7 Reasons + Differences) Tue, 12 Jan 2021 00:11:33 +0000 The question of whether or not fish are reptiles has been on-going for quite some time now with some being for the opinion that they are reptiles and others for ... Read more

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The question of whether or not fish are reptiles has been on-going for quite some time now with some being for the opinion that they are reptiles and others for the opinion that they are not. One of the main reasons why there’s some sought of confusion when it comes to fish and reptiles is the number of similarities fish has with animals regarded as reptiles.

Add the theory of evolution which basically suggests that evolved into reptiles and this topic becomes really confusing and pro fish are reptiles. So who is right, are fish really reptiles as some claim or are fish far from being reptiles?

Fish, despite the many similarities they have with animals categorized as reptiles, are not reptiles. This post highlights some of the similarities and most important differences between fish and reptiles. 

Are Fish Reptiles?

By simply looking at a fish and an animal that’s categorized or falls under the category of a reptile, chances are you’ll lean towards fish being a reptile. The reason being, fish has several similarities with animals categorized as reptiles. Some of these similarities include;

  • Vertebral Columns – Both the fish and reptiles are vertebrates. Simply put, they all have a series of bones that help protect the spinal cord. They also (fish and reptiles) have the same central nervous system and gills. Worth noting however is that reptiles tend to lose their gills while they are young.  
  • Scale-Covered Integuments – Those who’ve been keen while looking at both reptiles and fish are bound to have noticed the scaly outer covering that both these two types of animals have. While they might look similar in just about every way, they are not the same. Furthermore, the two scales don’t arise from one embryonic tissue.
  • Ectothermic Metabolisms – Another similarity that’s evident with animals categorized as reptiles and fish is that they are all cold-blooded. Simply put, they both have body temperatures that fluctuate depending on the temperature of the environment they are in.  

Differences Between Fish & Reptiles

Looking at the differences between fish and reptiles is one way of determining whether or not fish can be grouped with other reptiles. That said one obvious detail with fish and reptiles is the fact that reptiles can stay or live in both water and land while a fish can only live on land.  Here are some additional differences;

  • Limbs – Reptiles and fish have different types of limbs. Reptiles have small legs that act as limbs while fish on the other hand have fins that are either paired or unpaired (depending on the fish) that act as limbs.
  • Birth Process – How these two go about the birth process is also very different. Unlike oviparous reptiles, in that they lay eggs, fish are known to develop or fertilize their eggs outside their body.  
  • The Heart System – Reptiles, in general, have a three-chambered heart system that’s accompanied by atria, two aortas, and a partitioned ventricle while the fish has a two-chambered organ that basically allows blood to circulate to and from the atrium into the ventricle.
  • Excretory System – Another difference that’s evident between these two is their excretory system. The fish, simply put, uses its gills to diffuse nitrogenous waste. Reptiles on the other hand rely primarily on their two kidneys on matters excretory.

Conclusion for “Are Fish Reptiles”

Fish, despite the similarities with several animals that fall under the reptile category, are not reptiles. These two have a lot of differences many of which haven’t been highlighted in this particular post.

Related Posts:

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How To Clean A Betta Fish Tank In 9 Steps! Mon, 28 Dec 2020 09:24:51 +0000 Bettas are adorable little creatures and are the perfect fish for anyone to keep. They can live happily in small bowls or tanks, so they do not require large spaces ... Read more

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Bettas are adorable little creatures and are the perfect fish for anyone to keep. They can live happily in small bowls or tanks, so they do not require large spaces for their survival. These low-maintenance fish also do not need any aerated tanks because they consume gulps of air. Thus, bettas make the perfect aquatic companions due to their easy maintenance and simple tank cleaning process. In this article, you will find all the info on how to clean a betta fish tank effectively.

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How To Clean a Betta Fish Tank

Cleaning a betta’s tank is a straightforward enough process, and you will complete it in no time. However, you must be gentle with your betta and thorough in your cleaning to successfully conduct this task.

Grab All the Necessary Tools

First, you need to ensure you have everything you need to conduct a successful cleaning like a cup or fishnet, a water conditioner, a big bowl, and a plastic spoon.

Wash Those Hands

Before you dive into the tank, your hands must be clean. You cannot touch your tank water with unwashed hands because it will affect the water. You could accidentally introduce germs into the betta’s tank. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly, and you must check that no soap residue is left.

Start Taking the Tank Water Out

Next comes the water change, and you need to shut down all filters, heaters, and lights and unplug the tank. With the cup, start scooping water near the top of the tank until you get nearly 50% of the water out. Set this water aside because it will be going back later.

Bring the Betta Out

Once you scoop out a generous amount of water, gently use the fishnet to get the betta out of the tank and into the bowl. Be extra cautious of your betta’s delicate fins.

Take Decor and Plants Out

In the cleaning process, making sure your keep the ornaments and plants clean is crucial. Carefully take out any plants and any tank ornaments and set them aside.

Drain Out the Remaining Water

With everything out, pour out the remaining water and be careful to leave any gravel you have at the bottom of the tank.

Clean the Tank, Gravel, and Ornaments

Take your tank under the sink faucet and begin to rinse the tank’s gravel and walls with warm water. Utilize a tank scrubber to make sure you rub and scrub the tank thoroughly. With your hands, sift through the gravel and rinse it out. Next, rinse and scrub the tank’s ornaments with hot water, and make sure to get into all of the nooks and crannies, so you do not miss any dirt or waste on them.

Put Things Back and Refill

Once you clean the tank, gravel, and decorations, put the plants and decor back in the fish tank. After you place everything in its position, gradually refill the tank with tap water and then add back the tank water you took out earlier. While refilling, take caution in not disturbing the plants or gravel. Grab a plastic spoon and mix it in the water conditioner.

Bring Your Betta Back

Before you reintroduce your betta to the tank, you must wait for the water to reach room temperature. This is a crucial step, so you must not be hasty. Then, gently transfer your betta into the freshly cleaned tank, and voila!

Final Words

Keeping the fish tank clean and frequently changing the water will help your betta live longer and happier. Although bettas are not demanding creatures, they still require essential maintenance to thrive. As a pet owner, you must see these needs responsibly.

For other fish tank articles, check out:

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Why Do Fish Jump Out Of Tank? (Here’s Why!) Mon, 28 Dec 2020 08:44:42 +0000 Keeping fish as pets is not an easy experience. We need to maintain water, quality, a good aeration system, provide a good quality of food to fish, and even monitor ... Read more

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Keeping fish as pets is not an easy experience. We need to maintain water, quality, a good aeration system, provide a good quality of food to fish, and even monitor fish behavior. People often need to look out for these things and possibly many other things to keep fish as pets.

However, even after you cater to all their needs, you might find your fish jumping out of the tank. This might make you wonder why fish even do this. Well, the answer to this is not that simple. Some people have the opinion that fish jump out of the tank to escape their predators. Although this might be one of the reasons, it is not the sole cause of this behavior. Some people even assume that they jump out of the tank to find food.

There are various reasons which might encourage this behavior among fish. We have covered some of the reasons in this article.

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Poor Water Quality

Fish like to live in clean and fresh water. If they find the water too dirty in the tank, they might try to get out of it. It is, therefore, important to maintain good quality water. This is also because the tank water is stagnant, unlike water in the natural habitat. The tank water, therefore, needs periodic cleaning. Change about 20 to 30% of the tank water with fresh and purified water to maintain a good atmosphere for the fish.

Oxygen Levels of Fish Tank

It is also necessary to regulate the oxygen levels in the fish tank. Similar to humans, fish also need oxygen to survive. The only difference is that fish extract oxygen from the water. Therefore, it is essential to maintain a good oxygen level in the tank for the fish to breathe. If the fish find it challenging to breathe, they may try to jump out of the tank. You can use a HOB filter or a spray bar to maintain an adequate oxygen level in the fish tank.

PH Level Imbalance

The water’s pH level is also another essential element. The pH level is a measure of how basic or acidic the water is. It ranges from 0 to 14. A pH level below 7 is considered acidic, and above 7 is considered basic. The ideal pH level for any aquatic creatures can be between 6.5 to 9. If there is an imbalance in this pH level, it might become tough for the fish to survive. Therefore, the fish might want to jump out of the tank.

Defense Mechanism

Your fish might also have the sudden urge to get out of the tank if it fears to be hunted down or if it wants to hunt. This is one of the most common reasons. It is a sort of natural defense mechanism. If the fish fears for its life, it might want to escape its predator by simply getting out of that habitat.

Fish Species

There are different species of fish that are natural jumpers. Hence, these kinds of fish jump out of the water, even in their healthy and all-natural habitat. For these kinds of fish, you can only ensure that they are safely in the tank by making sure that the tank’s lid is fastened correctly.

Final Words

Fish tend to jump out of their tanks. However, there is no one reason for this behavior. You must ensure that all of the controllable reasons are taken care of at your end. Nonetheless, suppose you find your fish jumping out of the water frequently. In that case, you might also want to ask your vet about the situation.

Related Fish Articles:

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Can Goldfish Eat Grapes? (Yes – This Is What Happens!) Mon, 19 Oct 2020 17:23:41 +0000 One might be asking themself can goldfish eat grapes? Yes, you can feed your goldfish one grape for twice a week. It’s possible to feed them three times but try ... Read more

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One might be asking themself can goldfish eat grapes?

Yes, you can feed your goldfish one grape for twice a week. It’s possible to feed them three times but try not to overdo it. Your goldfish need other food too in order to have the proper diet and nutrients.


When someone thinks of keeping a fish as their pet, the one fish that pops right into their heads is a goldfish. Goldfishes are beautiful creatures. Their vibrant color and elegant swim make them a great treat for the eyes. They bring in life and good vibes into your home.

However, they come with some strings attached. Goldfish are the kind of fish that, if not high-maintenance, require a decent amount of care. Therefore, it is quite essential to keep them well-fed and healthy. This means providing them the nourishment they need through feeding them healthy and nutritious food. 

Goldfish can almost eat anything you give them, but it doesn’t mean it is okay to give them food without knowledge. Some foods might hurt them.

This stands to reason that one should know what type of food is perfect for these little creatures.

One of these foods is grape. Yes, this might be a surprise for some of you, but grapes are good for goldfish. Grapes have many health benefits and therefore serve as a perfect meal for your beautiful pet. And besides, every once in a while, these little buddies need something tangy and sweet to taste.

What Are the Health Benefits of Grapes?

When it comes to feeding your goldfish grapes, there are several benefits that you should know.


Grapes have great nutritional value. They are packed with vitamins such as:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B6

High In Calcium/Potassium

Moreover, grapes are also high in calcium and potassium that are important for healthy bones.

They have high levels of antioxidants that are good for the prevention of various chronic diseases. 

Despite being sweet, grapes regulate blood sugar levels.

Not only grapes are beneficial to your goldfish but even humans! Some studies even show that red grapes, particularly, are good for diabetic patients.

Easy To Digest

Further, high water and fiber content in grapes make it easier to digest as well. 

While one may think these are the nutrient essential for humans, they are also equally beneficial for a goldfish. If given in the right quantity, they provide health benefits that will lead to a healthy and happy goldfish!

How Do You Feed Grapes To Your Goldfish?

It is quite easy to feed goldfish a grape. You only need to feed one grape to your goldfish twice a week. 

You may increase the quantity to three times a week, but it is better not to give the goldfish more than that as grapes are high in potassium. Therefore, giving goldfish grapes in higher quantities may cause them harm.

Peel The Skin Of The Grape

To feed a grape to your goldfish, first, peel the skin of the grape. The skin might be difficult for the fish to swallow because of its plastic-like texture. A peeled grape would be soft and supple. Therefore it will be much easier to feed it to the goldfish.

Chop The Grape

Secondly, the grape must be chopped finely to avoid choking hazards. If the fish finds it difficult to eat grapes, chances are they may not eat them at all. For that reason, try making the grapes into pellet size pieces. Make sure that your fish does not have any trouble digesting grapes once it is fed grapes. 

Other Things Your Goldfish Can Eat At Home

Cucumber SlicesBanana
Sweet PotatoesRaspberries
Lima Beans

You should never overfeed your goldfish the same human food or even turn it into a habit. Feed your goldfish normal goldfish food instead and treat them human food as a treat.

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Goldfish make a great pet. Goldfish are beautiful, and they bring serenity. Nevertheless, they should be treated with care and caution. This includes feeding them the right food that will contribute to their good health and overall well-being.

Considering this matter, grapes are a great choice for a goldfish’s diet. Grapes appeal to goldfish because they are soft, and fish can easily eat them. However, if due for some reason, your goldfish don’t seem to like grapes, do not worry! You can always give them some other fruit or vegetable that they please.

For other goldfish-related articles, you might also enjoy:

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Are Calla Lilies Poisonous To Fish? (Don’t Let Your Fish Nibble!) Mon, 12 Oct 2020 08:56:15 +0000 This question has been asked several times and we wanted to cover it. Fish enthusiasts have been wondering – “Are calla lilies poisonous to fish?” Calla lilies are known to ... Read more

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This question has been asked several times and we wanted to cover it. Fish enthusiasts have been wondering –

“Are calla lilies poisonous to fish?”

Calla lilies are known to be poisonous to fish. While there isn’t direct evidence, if you’re planning on adding calla lilies – make sure that your fish isn’t able to nibble on them.

Calla lilies have “lily” in their name, but they are not actually lilies. They are native to South Africa. Calla means beautiful in Greek.

Some might think of the whole trumpet as the flower, but the flower is only the upright part in the middle. The white or colored part of the plant is actually a leaf.

are calla lilies poisonous to fish
thuyhugens | Pixabay

They can grow beautiful flowers in a variety of colors. Moreover, you can grow them in containers outdoors or even as house plants.

You may also not know this, but you can even grow some calla lily species in water up to 12 inches deep.

Are They Poisonous To Fish?

We found no direct evidence of calla lilies being harmful to fish. However, they do have a toxic substance called insoluble calcium oxalate. When cats or dogs consume them, they suffer from pain, difficulty in swallowing, and swelling.

It irritates the gastrointestinal tract. 

It is in the ASPCA‘s (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) list of toxic plants. But it only mentions it being poisonous to cats and dogs and not fish.

According to some garden experts, you can grow them near or inside ponds.

are calla lilies poisonous to fish
ArmbrustAnna | Pixabay

Still, be careful not to submerge them to the point where your pond fish could nibble on them.

While there isn’t any precise information available on whether this plant is toxic to fish or not but if it is harmful to cats, dogs, and humans, we conclude that it could harm your fish too. 

Better be safe than sorry, right?

Grow these plants on the sides of pools where they cannot make contact with water.

You could also grow them in a part of a pond that doesn’t allow fish near them, i.e., behind a rock formation. But still, if you have your doubts, avoid these plants.

You can grow many other non-toxic, beautiful plants that are suitable for fish.

Why Grow Calla Lily?

  • These plants are easy to grow.
  • They come in a variety of colors that make your garden or pond look vibrant and pretty.
  • They blossom just eight weeks after planting.
  • Their foliage is arrow-shaped, which looks attractive.

Calla Lily Growth Conditions

Calla lilies grow vibrant and breathtaking flowers. They are semi-aquatic and grow from rhizomes, and they are also very easy to grow. You need to plant them in loose and well-drained soil.

They grow happily in the full sun but require partial shade in warmer climates. Moreover, you can plant them in spring when the temperatures start rising.

However, you should protect them from frost. 

You should plant the rhizome about four inches deep in the soil for good results.

When you complete the planting process, water it well.

Calla Lily Care

They don’t require much care, but you need to water them properly and provide them with a healthy dose of fertilizer.

Add a good layer of mulch to the area where it grows, and that will keep it healthy, moist, and free from invasive weeds. 

They need a dormant period when they stop flowering. In this time, you should stop watering it so that it dries out.

If you have grown it in a container, you should move it to a darker place when its foliage fades.

Below – you can find frequently asked questions about the calla lily.

What plants are toxic to fish?

According to, tress can be harmful when they are around fish ponds. This includes:

  • Rhodendron
  • Oleander
  • Yew
  • Poplar
  • Maple
  • Oak

If you have any additional questions when it comes to the calla lily and fish, feel free to comment below this article. We will do our best to answer every possible question to provide future readers with a better experience.

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Calla lilies are beautiful plants with vibrant-colored flowers. They contain insoluble calcium oxalate. While they are toxic to dogs and cats if eaten, they don’t kill them. However, they can cause GI tract issues. Based on the scientific evidence and experience of some fish keepers, some varieties of the calla lily are poisonous to eat. Thus, if you’re growing them, do so in a place where fish can’t eat them.

For related articles about plants and fish, check out:

You can find out calla lilies bestselling products below!

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List Of 6 Plants That Can Poison Fish You Didn’t Know! Mon, 12 Oct 2020 07:48:42 +0000 You might be wondering about the plants that can poison fish. This list contains the following plants: Blue-Green Algae Fagaceae Quercus Yew Cherry Trees Jasmine Tiger Lily Plants produce toxins ... Read more

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You might be wondering about the plants that can poison fish. This list contains the following plants:

  • Blue-Green Algae
  • Fagaceae Quercus
  • Yew
  • Cherry Trees
  • Jasmine
  • Tiger Lily

Plants produce toxins so that they can protect themselves from being eaten by other organisms. That includes fish too. Historically, the fish toxin has been used by hunters and fishermen to stun fish so that they are easy to collect. 

Tribal people would make the fish-stupefying toxin from various plants and then use it to catch them in the sea or rivers.

These toxins would not kill the fish like a chemical toxin but would instead render them motionless. The fish would then float to the surface, and the hunter would easily capture them.

This practice was common among Australian Aborigines and California Indians; people still use it in some parts of the world.

There are also plants that, if ingested by the fish, will have fatal results. Some plants may have only toxic leaves, and others may have toxic compounds in roots.

Additionally, some plants are also poisonous overall. Some plants are only toxic to fish, also known as ichthyotoxic. 

If these kinds of plants are near to your fish pond or your fish, they may cause them to become sick, disrupt their metabolism, and, in extreme cases, they may even die.

We have listed some plants that are toxic to fish below.

Blue-Green Algae

plants that can poison fish
armennano | Pixabay

Although it is not actually a plant, it still survives by photosynthesis. Mentioning it is crucial because it is potentially quite harmful to plants. It has a blue-green appearance and is bacteria, not algae, although it looks like one when it blooms out. While its presence is natural and even beneficial in some cases, their bloom may cause muscle degeneration, oxygen depletion, and damage to the internal organs of fish. It is easier to monitor in small fish enclosures.

Fagaceae Quercus

plants that can poison fish
Hans | Pixabay

Fagaceae Quercus or oak occurs naturally in many parts of the world. Some oak species produce toxins called tannins. They don’t necessarily cause death but can create digestion issues. If they fall in the water where your fish is and is consumed by it, they will be prone to sickness. Even if the fish doesn’t consume it, the build-up of these leaves and acorns in the water can change water quality upon decomposition.


plants that can poison fish
Alexas_Fotos | Pixabay

Yew or Taxus species grow into shrubs or can be trained to grow into mature trees. They have fragrant needles and large swooping branches. The needles and seeds of the plants of these trees are toxic to fish as they have taxine alkaloids.

Cherry Trees

plants that can poison fish
shell_ghostcage | Pixabay

Cherry trees are beautiful and fragrant with their beautiful blossom. Most cherry species are toxic to fish, though. All parts of a cherry tree are toxic to fish, particularly the seeds. They contain hydrocyanic acid, which is also known as prussic acid. It can even cause the fish to die. It blocks the ability of tissues to use oxygen, which causes asphyxiation in fish.


plants that can poison fish
Capri23auto | Pixabay

This beautiful shrub plant bears pretty and fragrant flowers. Some of its species are also evergreen. These plants have toxins in their berries, which includes glycoside and hepatotoxin. They cause disruption of the nervous system in fish.

Tiger Lily

plants that can poison fish tank
Lancier | Pixabay

They are pretty and straightforward to grow. However, you should avoid them because they have lycorine alkaloids in all parts. It causes nausea and convulsions. It can also disrupt protein synthesis in fish.

Plants That Can Poison Fish: FAQ

Find related questions to plants and fish. If you can’t find the question you’re looking for, ask below!

What are the plants safe for fish ponds?

In one of our recent articles about plants safe for a fish pond, the plants listed are water hyacinth, water smartweed, water lotus, water lily, and horsetail. Try not to add too many plants at once because it can cause harm to your goldfish by reducing the level of oxygen.

Are ferns poisonous to fish?

Ferns aren’t poisonous to fish but if you add too many, it can cause more harm than good. The reason for this is because the plants can rot, which releases unnecessary wastes.

Are pine needles poisonous to fish?

Pine needles may appear like a great addition to add in with your fish because it can make it look aesthetically pleasing. The truth is – they are harmful and poisonous to your tank.

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Plants are a beautiful creation of nature, but they can also be dangerous. Some plants only cause minor problems among fish when ingested, but others can cause them to die. If you are thinking about introducing plants near your fish enclosure, be wary of the ones we mentioned above. 

We found this video we think you might love and find helpful:

For another aquarium/fish articles, you might also find these helpful:

For fish store recommendations, check out:

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Can Goldfish Eat Ants? (Yes, Even Ant Eggs!) Mon, 12 Oct 2020 07:12:12 +0000 Goldfish come in a wide variety of colors and sizes. They love to eat food that is slippery and crunchy and smells great. Now that your goldfish has grown a ... Read more

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Goldfish come in a wide variety of colors and sizes. They love to eat food that is slippery and crunchy and smells great. Now that your goldfish has grown a little, it is ready to eat live food. It is the right time to collect or buy some yummy morsels for your goldie. One question that comes to mind when you noticed ants outside of your backyard is –

Can goldfish eat ants?

Yes, goldfish can eat ants. Ants are considered to be tasty morsels for your goldfish. If you ever come across an ant nest, you can scoop up the nest and feed your goldfish ant eggs as well. Nothing is better than feeding live insects and worms to your goldfish, especially during the summertime.

Also, live food is a must if you want to breed your fish.

Check out this video of a YouTuber feeding ant to his goldfish!

Goldfish – Natural Omnivores

It is a matter of common observance that goldfish are naturally omnivores. In the wild, they eat all kinds of food, including larvae, eggs, small crustaceans, and even dead and decayed animals.

can goldfish eat ants
Adrega | Pixabay

Even in captivity, goldfish keepers offer live food as supplements. The most common live food choices include ants, brine shrimps, mosquito larvae, and blood worms. 

So, when it comes to ants, then yes – goldfish can eat ants!

Being a form of live food, ants have a high nutritional value, which is excellent for the growth and development of your goldfish.

Feeding Ants and Ant Eggs To Goldfish

Ants, especially ant eggs, are the most common traditional food to buy for your goldfish. These eggs are collected from ant nests and are dried. Thus, a significant part of the food is dried ant pupae.

Ants are also collected and dried to package and sell to fish owners.

Being dried, natural food, ants and ant eggs tend to be eatable for a long time. And so, they are easy to preserve and sell. However, these are most suitable for fish who feed on the surfaces such as goldfish, angelfish, etc. 

Other than feeding live ants and ant eggs, you can also get other different products. However, make sure you look into the nutritional breakdown.

Most commonly, they come with a low proportion of proteins and offer less nutritional value.

Let’s look into how and where you can collect ants!

How To Collect Ants?

If you want to keep it simple, you can simply buy ants from the fish feed store. They come to live food packages and jars.

But, why spend money if you can collect ants right from your home? All you need to have is some collecting tools such as a small brush and a jar. You can brush off ants from the plants into a jar.

It is best to use a plastic jar as it does not break. You can use an empty jar from your kitchen.

Where To Collect Ants?

Ants are usually present in the gardens or on sidewalks. Any plant or tree in your house must have many ants that can be your goldfish’s food of the day.

Another thing you can do is place a plastic jar on the sidewalk or in the garden with a little jam or any fruit on its inside and a bit on the outer side. After a while, you will see a whole lot of ants sticking to the food.

Fill the jar with water. Place the cap and swirl it. The ants will come off the fruit.

Now, you can pour the water in the tank, and your goldfish will consume all the ants.

Can Goldfish Eat Ants: FAQ

For related questions to goldfish eating ants, check out these commonly asked questions.

Can goldfish eat insects?

Goldfish are known as omnivores which means they’ll feed on anything when they have the opportunity. This means that goldfish can/will feed on insects when they spot any.

Do goldfish eat ant eggs?

Yes, goldfish can eat ant eggs as mentioned at the beginning of this article. Ant eggs used to be sold in aquarium markets as food many years ago.

What other food can my goldfish eat?

You can feed your goldfish human foods at home but it’s not recommended to make it a habit. You can feed them to your goldfish as a treat. Here is a chart of human food you can feed your goldfish at home. For certain food, you will have to boil them to make sure they’re soft enough for your goldfish.

Cucumber SlicesBanana
Sweet PotatoesRaspberries
Lima Beans

From VivariumTips,


If your goldfish is ready to eat live food, you should start with smaller foods such as ants, hatched brine shrimps, mosquito larvae, etc. You can either get dried ants from your fish supplies store or collect them from your garden or sidewalks yourself.

For other goldfish-related articles, you can check out:

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Can Goldfish Eat Brine Shrimp? (Definitely And Here’s Why..) Mon, 12 Oct 2020 06:47:25 +0000 Goldfish make the easiest and most beautiful fish to keep in your aquarium, especially for beginners. If it is your first experience with goldfish, you must do adequate research on ... Read more

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Goldfish make the easiest and most beautiful fish to keep in your aquarium, especially for beginners. If it is your first experience with goldfish, you must do adequate research on what your goldfish can eat, its living conditions, and growth requirements.

If you are thinking of feeding live food to your goldie, brine shrimp might pop up in your mind. And as far as we guess, that’s exactly how you ended up here.

So, to keep it quick and clear:

Goldfish can eat brine shrimp. Goldfish have teeth in their throat, so they’re able to consume live food even though they’re small. Goldfish are omnivores so they’ll feast on any meal whenever an opportunity arises.

Do Goldfish Have Teeth?

can goldfish eat brine shrimp

Did you know that?

No, we are not kidding! Goldfish actually have teeth in their throat. That’s how they are able to chew and eat live food despite being so small in size. Your goldish, just about six inches in size, is ready to consume live food.

Here’s even a video explaining that goldfish have teeth!

Do Goldfish Not Have Stomachs?

You didn’t know that either, right?

Keeping this in mind, you need to make sure that you offer the right live food to your goldie to prevent any digestion problems. This is especially the case with fancy goldfish. Given the unique shape of their bodies, they often have trouble digesting food properly.

Taking the absence of stomach into consideration, make sure you are giving the right brine shrimps, the ones that have just hatched.

Adult brine shrimps are bigger and can be really difficult for your fancy goldie to eat. They are more suitable for relatively grown goldfish in your aquarium.

Brine Shrimps – Nutritional Value

When it comes to the nutritional value, brine shrimps are rich in protein, which significantly adds to the growth and development of your goldfish. Providing the right amount of protein is essential, especially if you want to breed your goldfish.

Dried brine shrimps contain a mix of up to 70% protein, up to 30% lipid, 12% – 23% carbohydrate, and 4% – 21% ash.

You can offer brine shrimps to your goldfish in two ways:

Live Brine Shrimps

Live brine shrimps make a popular option. You can cultivate them yourself, too. All you need to have is the right equipment and provide the right conditions, and you can hatch brine shrimps in less than a day.

You might have heard that live food often carries diseases that can be deadly for your goldfish. Well, you can rest assured as brine shrimps are 100% safe to feed.

If you do not want to prepare a brine shrimp batch yourself, you can simply get it from the pet store.

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Freeze-Dried Brine Shrimps

If you are not into live brine shrimps, you can go for frozen or freeze-dried ones readily available at stores. They carry equal nutritional value, and your goldfish will definitely love it.

Freeze-dried food often comes in chunks. For goldfish fry, you can break them into further smaller pieces. For adult goldfish, they are just fine like that!

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Can Goldfish Eat Brine Shrimp: FAQ

Here you will find frequently asked questions related to goldfish eating brine shrimps.

Is brine shrimp good for fish?

While you should be feeding normal goldfish food to your goldfish for the proper nutrients, feeding brine shrimps to your fish can be good as well. Feeding brine shrimp to your fish can provide them with a good amount of protein.

What can your goldfish eat at home?

You can feed many things to your goldfish from home but you shouldn’t be overdoing it. You can feed them various human food such as:

  • pease
  • lettuce
  • spinach
  • grapes
  • orange
  • watermelon

Keep in mind if you’re feeding your goldfish human food, some food should be boiled first to soften the food.

We even created a chart to help you out!

Cucumber SlicesBanana
Sweet PotatoesRaspberries
Lima Beans

Can goldfish eat oatmeal?

Yes, your goldfish can eat oatmeal. In fact, your goldfish will love it. It’s recommended that you shouldn’t make this a common thing. You can feed it to your goldfish as a treat but also feed them proper goldfish food.

From VivariumTips,


Brine shrimps make an excellent supplement for commercial food like pellets. With incredibly great nutritional content, they play a crucial role in the nourishment and active lifestyle of your goldfish. Another great thing about brine shrimps is that unlike commercial food, they do not break in the tank, dissolving into the water and deteriorating its quality.

However, something you need to worry about is how expensive live food can get, especially when you buy it from the store every week. As it does not last long, you cannot buy it just once. Therefore, cultivating your own live food is the most suitable and cost-effective option. Your goldfish enjoys rich nutrition while being easy on your pocket.

If you’re interested in more goldfish-related topics, check out:

The post Can Goldfish Eat Brine Shrimp? (Definitely And Here’s Why..) appeared first on VivariumTips.

Exploring The List Of 5 Plants Safe For Fish Pond! Thu, 08 Oct 2020 10:22:59 +0000 For fish pond owners, the thought of creating a better-looking pond often comes to mind. You might be wondering about the type of plants safe for fish ponds. We will ... Read more

The post Exploring The List Of 5 Plants Safe For Fish Pond! appeared first on VivariumTips.

For fish pond owners, the thought of creating a better-looking pond often comes to mind. You might be wondering about the type of plants safe for fish ponds.

We will go over not only safe plants but plants that can be beneficial for your fish!

These plants safe for fish ponds are:

  • Water Hyacinth
  • Water Smartweed
  • Water Lotus
  • Water Lily
  • Horsetail

Introducing plants to fish ponds is essential for creating a balance in the pond ecosystem. They also absorb the excess nutrients from the pond water and assist in increasing the oxygen level.

They also look stunning.

However, you have to choose plants for your fish pond carefully. Some species are invasive and might take over the whole pond.

Why Add Plants?

Plants don’t just make your pond look pretty; they perform some very essential functions too. Some plant species are very good oxygenators.

They also provide shelter and food for many organisms in pods, including fish. 

By having plants in your fish pond, they can extract extra nutrients from the pond water, which can cause the growth of cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria can be very toxic to fish.

By having plants in your pond, they can also provide shade and regulate the temperature in the pond. 

Try not to have too many pond plants because it can decrease the oxygen level for your fish!

Some plant species that are safe and suitable for fish ponds are listed below.

Water Hyacinth

This plant species floats freely on the water surface. They can grow in water that is shallow or several meters deep.

plants safe for fish pond

Additionally, they don’t require much care and can grow in extreme temperatures too.

Water hyacinth also produces blue and purple flowers that may attract other organisms, such as birds and bees. Some pond fish like Koi even like to eat them.

Water Smartweed

Smartweed is originally a water plant and likes to be submerged in water. But it is not very picky and can also grow as long as the water is moist. They grow in thick colonies and reach an impressive three feet in height.

However, some might consider them a nuisance because of this trait. 

Did you know?

Water smartweed is a very good oxygenator of water.

They are also excellent water purifiers and provide food to some birds and insect species. Those insects, in turn, can then be consumed by pond fish.

If you decide to use these plants in your pond, you may need to trim them once in a while to prevent the over-growth.

Water Lotus

Water lotuses are beautiful and popular aquatic floating plants. They are low-maintenance plants but require specific conditions for survival.

plants safe for fish pond

They do well in water with a temperature of 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. The water depth should ideally be 18 inches, and they prefer low humidity and about 5-hour sunlight daily.

Since they have big leaves, they will require a large space. If your pond is small, then you can use some dwarf lotus species.

Water Lily

These are also very popular floating aquatic plants. They require colder conditions and less sunlight. They are similar to water lotus but are smaller.

plants safe for fish pond

Moreover, they can grow in as little depth of water as six inches. They develop into beautiful and fragrant flowers, which adds to the beauty of your pond.

Pond fish can hide under the shade of its leaves and lay eggs. Occasionally, your fish might even feed on the roots and leaves of the water lily.


This plant has a history of millions of years. They grow along the borders of water or in shallow waters. 

plants safe for fish pond

They are excellent water filters, and they grow in tall segments. Additionally, they do not overtake other water plants and are not very competitive.

But if they do over-grow, you can easily remove them to prevent an overflow of the pond plants.

Another benefit for your fish is that they will sometimes utilize these plants as shade.

Frequently Asked Questions

You will find commonly asked questions about plants safe for fish ponds here. If you can’t find a useful question, comment and we’ll answer it!

What are some plants to keep around the pond edge?

The plants you can keep around your pond edge to make it more beautiful are marsh marigold, spider lily, or Japanese water iris. According to, these plants will make more pond appear much more colorful.

What other plants are good for a pond?

Thanks to the helpful information provided by, the list of popular pond plants are:

  • Blue Iris
  • Mosaic Plant
  • Water Lettuce
  • Cardinal Flower
  • Taro
  • Horsetail
  • Pickerel
  • Creeping Jenny

Check out Aquascape Inc. for more information on these great recommendations!

Can too many pond plants kill fish?

Pond plants can be beneficial to your fish and create a healthier ecosystem, but having too many pond plants can also cause problems for your fish. If you have too many pond plants, it can decrease the oxygen level for your fish, which can kill them.

Should you remove dead fish from the pond?

Yes – you should definitely remove dead fish from your pond because it can increase the livelihood of your other fish. By not removing a dead fish, you increase the chances of algae bloom and other potential diseases.

From VivariumTips, 


Pond plants are a perfect means of water oxygenation. They also keep the water clean and provide many other benefits to the organisms living in it. Not to mention, they make the pond look attractive. Some plants have the potential of over-growing, though. In that case, you should keep an eye out for them and trim them as needed.

If you enjoyed this article “Exploring The List Of Plants Safe For Fish Pond,” you might also like:

If you have any pond/fish-related questions, comment below and I’ll be happy to answer it!

Check out these recommended pond plants below! You might find some interest in them.

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The post Exploring The List Of 5 Plants Safe For Fish Pond! appeared first on VivariumTips.

What Can Goldfish Eat At Home? (Human Food + Alternatives) Thu, 08 Oct 2020 09:25:16 +0000 There are times when we run out of goldfish food or we want to provide a balanced diet for fish. One question that often gets asked is: “What can goldfish ... Read more

The post What Can Goldfish Eat At Home? (Human Food + Alternatives) appeared first on VivariumTips.

There are times when we run out of goldfish food or we want to provide a balanced diet for fish. One question that often gets asked is:

“What can goldfish eat at home?”

At home, goldfish can eat vegetables and fruits such as peas, lettuce, spinach, grapes, orange, and watermelon. For certain vegetables, you may have to boil them at home prior to feeding your beloved goldfish.

Check out this chart below for more information on what your goldfish can eat.

Cucumber SlicesBanana
Sweet PotatoesRaspberries
Lima Beans

Goldfish are among the most popular pet choices globally. However, only a handful of people know or learn how to raise them well so that they look lively, healthy, and vibrant.

Just keeping them in a spacious and well-equipped aquarium is not enough; you should feed them well too. 

When it comes to food acceptance, goldfish are on your side. They will happily go for whatever you offer them if it is small enough to be eaten. However, you must ascertain that the food you are offering is healthy and that your fish will benefit from it.

Think Beyond Fish Food

Don’t get us wrong, we are all in for fish food. It is highly nutritious and offers just the right mixture of proteins, carbs, and fatty acids. However, if you want to see your goldfish healthy and lively, don’t solely rely upon the fish food products and instead offer your pet some variety.

what can goldfish eat at home

You can pick up several items from the pantry or buy them from a nearby shop to appease your pet’s taste buds. 

Just remember to opt for low-fat food options; protein and carbs should be your top priority.

You can boil and then chop up vegetables like peas, lettuce, spinach, carrots, and cauliflower, to name a few. 

Similarly, fruits like oranges, watermelons, grapes, mangoes, and pears are also excellent for goldfish. You can chop them up nicely and then create a mixture for your pet.

But don’t get too excited. Feed with moderation, no more than what your pet can take within two minutes.

Treat Your Pet Occasionally

The thing with treats is that you can’t offer them all the time. It’s not because they are expensive (which some of them might be) or that they require effort from your part (which they do), but rather to ensure that your pet gets a balanced diet. 

You can try out worm meals, chopped squid pieces, shrimp meal, duckweed, and other highly nutritious options, but only in moderation.

But be sure to keep these treats at a minimum because they only offer a particular nutrient in excess and not a balanced diet.

Not Everything Is Appropriate for Your Goldfish

It is a common sight to witness people throwing bits of bread to goldfish in ponds. 

Although the fish will gulp them up nice and quick, like the culinary enthusiasts they are, bread is not ideal fish food.

You should avoid it all costs. As it passes through your pet’s gut tract, it will swell up and block your fish’s intestine, causing constipation or even death.

Betta Food for Goldfish

betta food for goldfish
chemmie1976 | Pixabay

Fish foods are specifically created to cater to the needs of a said species. Betta food is ideal for betta fish, and goldfish food is perfect for a goldfish.

This is because both of these species have a differing nutrient requirement. Bettas need a predominantly protein-rich diet, while goldfish don’t need as much protein (they do need them but in different proportions). 

This means that you should not use betta food for your goldfish.

Turtle Food for Goldfish

The same principle applies here. In fact, if you are keeping a turtle in a tank, don’t add a goldfish to the same enclosure.

Since both are messy creatures, it can compromise the water quality and lead to health problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

For questions related to “What Can Goldfish Eat At Home,” check the following commonly asked questions below. If you can’t find it on here, ask away!

What human food can you feed a goldfish?

When it comes to human food, you can feed your goldfish boiled vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, kale, spinach, or peas. You can also feed your goldfish fruits such as apples and bananas. To check out the list, scroll to the top of this article.

Can goldfish eat oatmeal?

You can feed your goldfish oatmeal at home. Goldfish are known to love feeding on oatmeal.

Can goldfish eat chicken?

Goldfish will eat almost anything. You can feed your goldfish chicken or beef according to Your goldfish will surely enjoy it! Just don’t overdo it though!

Can goldfish eat rice?

Goldfish will be content with rice as their meal. They will eat just about anything due to their high caloric needs. If you’re planning on feeding your goldfish rice, make sure that the grains rice is boiled as soft as possible. This will help make it easier for your goldfish to consume it.

How can you tell if your goldfish is happy?

You can tell if your goldfish are happy if they aren’t floating in their aquarium tank. Another sign to tell if your goldfish is happy is if your fish is constantly swimming. If you notice usual behaviors, make sure to check out this list of 15 goldfish diseases. Feeding a goldfish well and maintaining a clean/healthy aquarium will benefit them in the long run!

From VivariumTips, 


Be sure to feed your goldfish with pellets and flakes designed specifically for it and not for another species. Offer variety in their diets and even give occasional treats but remember to keep things moderate.

If you enjoyed reading this article “What Can Goldfish Eat At Home,” you might also enjoy reading other goldfish-related content!

If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions related to goldfish – post below!

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The post What Can Goldfish Eat At Home? (Human Food + Alternatives) appeared first on VivariumTips.
