Reptiles Archives - VivariumTips Perfecting Your Ecosystems Tue, 12 Jan 2021 00:21:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Reptiles Archives - VivariumTips 32 32 Are Birds Reptiles? (6 Things That Makes a Bird, a Bird) Tue, 12 Jan 2021 00:21:10 +0000 If there is a topic that’s divided many when it comes to the animal kingdom is whether or not birds are actually reptiles. For many, the thought of birds being ... Read more

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If there is a topic that’s divided many when it comes to the animal kingdom is whether or not birds are actually reptiles. For many, the thought of birds being reptiles, especially going by what they’ve been taught in school, is simply crazy. In fact, some of them actually laugh at the thought of birds being reptiles. But is this so? Are birds really not reptiles or simply put are birds reptiles?

As surprising as it might seem or sound, birds are indeed reptiles. I know I know, this is not what they taught in school but its true birds are classified together with other scaly animals that make up reptiles.

What Exactly Are Birds?

This is a very good question to ask and even answer when looking at whether or not birds are reptiles. So what are birds exactly? they are basically a group of warm-blooded vertebrates. A typical bird usually has the following notable traits;

  • Has Feathers
  • No Teeth
  • Has A High Metabolic Rate
  • Lays Hard-Shelled Eggs
  • Has A Strong/Lightweight Skeleton
  • Has Toothless Beaked Jaws

Not to forget is the fact that birds can fly. In fact, many argue that this is one of the most common traits of birds worldwide. While these traits are common with birds, certain birds have them and some don’t and that’s why we currently have different types of birds. Just to give you an example of the types of birds currently; there are the Waterfowl Birds, Kiwis, Extinct Birds, Hummingbirds, and Swifts just to mention a few.

The Different Types of Reptiles

One of the reasons why so many find it shocking that birds are indeed reptiles is the lack of knowledge, in particular lack of knowledge about reptiles. That said four types of reptiles are very common today. For this particular post, however, we’ll be looking at one particular group of reptiles and that’s the archosaurs. We’ll get to focus on this particular group given the fact that it’s the only group of reptiles that birds are closely related to.

Worth noting about the archosaurs group of reptiles is that it’s where the dinosaurs belong. Dinosaurs, for those who were not aware, had some slight similarities with the likes of lizards, turtles, and snakes. Furthermore, they are believed to have all been killed making them all extinct.

The use of the word “believed” when referring to dinosaurs being killed was intentional given the fact that birds were left out. What I am trying to say is that yes, birds are dinosaurs. Despite the assumptions many have when it comes to dinosaurs, it’s worth noting that not all dinosaurs were killed. A group of small feathered dinosaurs was left behind.

Fast forward 60 plus million years later and the remaining group of feathered dinosaurs evolved into what many of us know as birds today. So if you happen to visit your local zoo anytime soon and see that birds are in the same space as reptiles or more precisely dinosaurs then don’t be alarmed because they are where they are supposed to be.  

Conclusion for “Are Birds Reptiles”

I hope we can all agree by now that birds are indeed reptiles. For those however who are still skeptical I’d suggest paying a visit to a local zoo. While there, try speaking with one of the reps at the zoo or maybe the zookeeper, they’ll be able to share great details on how birds are reptiles or how they are actually dinosaurs because I am sure many are still very skeptical about that particular point. 

For articles related to “Are Birds Reptiles,” check out:

The post Are Birds Reptiles? (6 Things That Makes a Bird, a Bird) appeared first on VivariumTips.

Are Fish Reptiles? (7 Reasons + Differences) Tue, 12 Jan 2021 00:11:33 +0000 The question of whether or not fish are reptiles has been on-going for quite some time now with some being for the opinion that they are reptiles and others for ... Read more

The post Are Fish Reptiles? (7 Reasons + Differences) appeared first on VivariumTips.

The question of whether or not fish are reptiles has been on-going for quite some time now with some being for the opinion that they are reptiles and others for the opinion that they are not. One of the main reasons why there’s some sought of confusion when it comes to fish and reptiles is the number of similarities fish has with animals regarded as reptiles.

Add the theory of evolution which basically suggests that evolved into reptiles and this topic becomes really confusing and pro fish are reptiles. So who is right, are fish really reptiles as some claim or are fish far from being reptiles?

Fish, despite the many similarities they have with animals categorized as reptiles, are not reptiles. This post highlights some of the similarities and most important differences between fish and reptiles. 

Are Fish Reptiles?

By simply looking at a fish and an animal that’s categorized or falls under the category of a reptile, chances are you’ll lean towards fish being a reptile. The reason being, fish has several similarities with animals categorized as reptiles. Some of these similarities include;

  • Vertebral Columns – Both the fish and reptiles are vertebrates. Simply put, they all have a series of bones that help protect the spinal cord. They also (fish and reptiles) have the same central nervous system and gills. Worth noting however is that reptiles tend to lose their gills while they are young.  
  • Scale-Covered Integuments – Those who’ve been keen while looking at both reptiles and fish are bound to have noticed the scaly outer covering that both these two types of animals have. While they might look similar in just about every way, they are not the same. Furthermore, the two scales don’t arise from one embryonic tissue.
  • Ectothermic Metabolisms – Another similarity that’s evident with animals categorized as reptiles and fish is that they are all cold-blooded. Simply put, they both have body temperatures that fluctuate depending on the temperature of the environment they are in.  

Differences Between Fish & Reptiles

Looking at the differences between fish and reptiles is one way of determining whether or not fish can be grouped with other reptiles. That said one obvious detail with fish and reptiles is the fact that reptiles can stay or live in both water and land while a fish can only live on land.  Here are some additional differences;

  • Limbs – Reptiles and fish have different types of limbs. Reptiles have small legs that act as limbs while fish on the other hand have fins that are either paired or unpaired (depending on the fish) that act as limbs.
  • Birth Process – How these two go about the birth process is also very different. Unlike oviparous reptiles, in that they lay eggs, fish are known to develop or fertilize their eggs outside their body.  
  • The Heart System – Reptiles, in general, have a three-chambered heart system that’s accompanied by atria, two aortas, and a partitioned ventricle while the fish has a two-chambered organ that basically allows blood to circulate to and from the atrium into the ventricle.
  • Excretory System – Another difference that’s evident between these two is their excretory system. The fish, simply put, uses its gills to diffuse nitrogenous waste. Reptiles on the other hand rely primarily on their two kidneys on matters excretory.

Conclusion for “Are Fish Reptiles”

Fish, despite the similarities with several animals that fall under the reptile category, are not reptiles. These two have a lot of differences many of which haven’t been highlighted in this particular post.

Related Posts:

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Do Snakes Eat Frogs? (1,000+ People Are Asking) Mon, 17 Aug 2020 23:52:18 +0000 As you already know, snakes are carnivores. But believe it or not, this question gets asked thousands of times per month from curious individuals around the world. Do snakes eat ... Read more

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As you already know, snakes are carnivores. But believe it or not, this question gets asked thousands of times per month from curious individuals around the world.

Do snakes eat frogs?

Yes, if snakes can spot a frog, they will take the opportunity and eat the frog.

There’s much more to this topic than you think.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this article Do Snakes Eat Frogs:

  • the scientific and natural studies of amphibians
  • the cycle of life
  • if snakes are the biggest threat

If you’re trying to navigate to a specific about snakes eating frogs, feel free to use the table of content below.

Scientific & Natural Studies

In recent times, scientific and natural studies have shown that there is a rapid decline in the population of amphibians across the world. 

Many people might ask the question “why does it matter?”

Chances are that most of them do not understand the consequences of amphibians being wiped out from the face of this earth. 

The population growth of amphibians comes at the expense of insects, and unless the amphibians are there, the unchecked growth of the population of insects will continue to create havoc in the lives of people.

However, just like the cycle of life, every animal has its predator. For frogs its normally snakes. You may have heard that wherever a frog goes, the snake is bound to follow.

This is simply because most of the snakes prefer frogs as a delectable snack rather than a competitor to their survival.

can snakes eat frogs
sipa | Pixabay

This is because frogs do not have any kind of escape mechanism that enables them to deter the onslaught of snakes in their habitat.

There are a few species like the poison dart frogs that are capable of killing snakes with the venom exuded by their skin, but they are only found in certain areas of the planet.

Are Snakes a Threat To Amphibians?

For the general frog population across the world, snakes are the biggest threat. After all, for snakes, it is just a small snack, and they have various ways of capturing the frog and eating it.

For the venomous snakes, it’s just a matter of biting the frog and waiting for it to die.

After the frog is dead which normally happens within a few minutes after the initial bite, the snake seeks out the dead frog with its heat sensors and eats it. Then it’s on to another snack because a single frog is only going to last it a day at the maximum.

For a large snake that has not been like a python, a frog can easily be killed by capturing it with its mouth and crushing it with its body.

The life is snuffed out of the frog within a couple of minutes, and after that, it is devoured by the snake. 

Either way, it is the snake that is going to win the battle between it and the frog. 

There is absolutely no way for the frog to win the battle unless it happens to be capable of jumping enormous distances like the Amazon tree frog.

Advantage Of Frogs

can snakes eat frogs
basilsmith | Pixabay

The Amazon tree frog has been known to jump from one tree to the other due to the massive webbing that they have on their feet which acts as gliders. It is a sight to behold, and worth preserving as a photograph.

Snakes cannot jump or leap such great distances, and therefore the Amazon tree frogs are not in their list of the most coveted species to consume.

In captivity, a snake would almost always devour a frog without any hesitation. After all, it is a small snack, and when being fed, a captive snake is not likely to throw any tantrums about the kind of food that it is being served.

asian pit viper
skeeze | Pixabay

The Asian pit viper is one of the largest, voracious eaters of frogs in the continent. They smell out the frog habitat pretty fast, and after that, it is a picnic for them. 

They consumed the eggs if they find, and they are also known to consume entire streams of tadpoles if they can get there on time.

A lot of snakes also follow the croaking of the frog to pinpoint the location of the frog. Of course, snakes have no hearing, but they can understand the disturbances created by the croaking of the frog in the air very easily.

This leads to faster movement of the snake to that location and its consumption of the frog after capturing it.

central america tadpoles

Some species of snakes in Central America has also resulted in the well-documented decline of amphibians in that part of the world simply because they are extremely voracious eaters of frogs and tadpoles.

Although there are other relatively smaller species to consume, frogs feature extremely high on the list due to the lack of in escaping the situation, and no counter defenses to prevent the snake from consuming them.

So what do you think? Can snakes eat frogs?

From VivariumTips,


After gathering data from the internet, it appears that the question “do snakes eat frogs” gets asked thousands of times per month. To clear up the confusion and help people, this article was created.

Yes, snakes eat frogs since snakes are carnivorous creatures after all.

If you enjoyed this topic and find it helpful, here’s what I’ll recommend:

  • Interestingly to say, there are people out there wondering if dart frogs can swim.
  • Do you think dart frogs get lonely? I publish an article about dart frogs and their loneliness.
  • If you are planning on owning amphibians, maybe check out to see if dart frogs smell. This might give you an idea of whether you want to place them inside of your house or not.

If you have any questions, feedback, or comments – just post it below and I’ll give you a proper response as soon as possible.

You can support this blog by sharing this article with another snake/amphibian enthusiast! 🙂


The post Do Snakes Eat Frogs? (1,000+ People Are Asking) appeared first on VivariumTips.

ULTIMATE Picks: Best Turtle Tanks & Accessories of 2021! Mon, 10 Aug 2020 02:43:40 +0000 Turtles are adorable, at least baby turtles are. They are among the most famous reptile choices in the paludarium market and a huge variety of them are available throughout the ... Read more

The post ULTIMATE Picks: Best Turtle Tanks & Accessories of 2021! appeared first on VivariumTips.

Turtles are adorable, at least baby turtles are. They are among the most famous reptile choices in the paludarium market and a huge variety of them are available throughout the world.

Though they may seem all small and trouble-free, turtles are quite messy and require much care in captivity. 

To help ease the process of giving the best care for your turtles, this guide will help you with finding the best turtle tanks and accessories.

For your pet turtle to thrive in captivity – you’ll need to provide it with a nurturing environment, nutritious diet, and proper hygiene conditions. 

This turtle guide aims at exploring all aspects of turtle keeping, from choosing the best turtle tank to deciding on what to feed them, and what equipment to buy for their enclosures. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

Turtles as Pets: Challenges & Facts

turtles as pets
Atlantios | Pixabay

Before we begin, it is important to consider the ramifications of getting a pet turtle.

Just like the goldfish, turtles are poorly understood beings yet common pet choices. 

Many people turn to turtles because they’re cool, affordable, low maintenance, and hardy pet – but this picture is far from reality.

Turtles, like all beings, have certain requirements to thrive, and these requirements are stricter than those of many high maintenance aquarium animals.

The Natural Environment Of Turtles

natural environments of turtles
Redkite | Pixabay

Terrapins – the kind of turtles that people mostly get. Terrapins are freshwater semi-aquatic reptiles that naturally reside in ponds, streams, pools, and lakes.

These beings can attain humongous sizes and the adults of some species can deliver a shattering bite (be careful when choosing the species). 

Naturally, turtles are versatile beings – they hunt, forage, and scavenge to fulfill their nutritional requirements and act as regulators for their environments.

They swim peacefully, however, they can show hostility if challenged or cornered.

Space Requirements For Turtles

While there is no fixed space that a turtle needs to survive, they do prefer vast stretches.

Contrary to common beliefs, turtles are not lazy at all – they are hyperactive beings, and refer to swim in expansive water bodies.

Click here for more information on this tank.

Even a baby turtle will demand a sizable tank dedicated to it, where it may swim to its heart’s content.

Small enclosures and bowls (oh, the dreadful bowls – death traps for fish and turtles!) are not to be considered even once. 

Preferably, you should opt for a decent sized tank (with colored walls, turtles don’t like being observed) which can house your baby turtle for a few years.

What To Feed Turtles

Click here to check out this worm product for turtles!

Turtles are all omnivorous, however, to varying degrees. This means that some species will prefer more veggies while others will crave for worm food.

While you can prepare a mixed food meal at home (if you know what your turtle likes), it is preferable to seek pre-packaged food.

Be sure to check the brand and the instructions that accompany (is it suitable for your pet species?) to determine if it is the right one for your turtle. 

Advice: Try not to get fish food pellets for turtles. Even if they consume it, it’s not meant for them.

Turtle food can be found as either pellets or sticks, it is good to get both just to add variety.

Other than pre-packaged food, which also comes loaded with minerals, it is advisable to feed your turtle with a “live worm meal” now and then.

Tank Equipment For Turtles

Click here for more information and price of Zoo Med Turtletherm.

You can expect a lot of mess when it comes to owning turtle tanks. Because of this – it is, therefore, necessary to install equipment that will maintain cleanliness, adequate temperature, and provide comfort to your pet.

While filters and aquarium heaters are an unquestionable part of the ensemble, lesser-known components must also be included.

These equipment include a “dry turtle dock“, which is any stable dry surface that allows a turtle to come ashore and bask.

This surface may be a float or a solid dry area (wooden or stone-based) which acts to give the turtle a little break from its swimming session.

For the basking part, you’ll also need a dedicated reptile basking UV lamp, suited for turtles.

Both of this equipment is an absolute necessity, as they save the turtle from developing shell rot or vitamin deficiencies.

You will also need a turtle substrate to line the bottom of the tank.

Ideally, you should go for sand, as turtles are known to swallow gravel, but if you want to use gravel, select the one with bigger beads.

You can also add plants (preferably live, if you can handle it) to create a more natural and stimulating environment.

Best Turtle Tanks – Top 9 Picks

best turtle tanks
Pexels | Pixabay

Turtles require dedicated spaces to dwell and thrive in captivity. Since most turtle owners start with babies, small enclosures can get the job done. 

Keep in mind that as your turtles grow (and they will pretty quickly), you will either need larger tanks or will have to release them to their native habitat.

Back to the baby turtle business, I have picked up the best options for turtle enclosures available in the market.

Here are the best turtle tanks available in the market that you can find online:

#1 Reptile Aquarium Tank With Platform Plants (Blue)

This tank is built specifically for housing terrapins. 

It is an expansive enclosure, ideal for young ones with a vast swimming space and a dedicated basking platform.

The ramp to the basking platform has a non-slip strip on it, to help the turtle climb with ease.

The tank is dedicated to housing small turtles, but you’ll have to buy additional accessories to get the best out of it. 

The tank body is made up of durable and sturdy plastic material in blue color and has been crafted in bean or kidney shape. A ramp rises from the base of the swimming area and leads to a higher feeding area. 

Hermit crabs, crayfish, and amphibious beings can also reside in this tank.

The tank has a water capacity of 5 gallons, which is enough for a baby turtle.

The framework of the tank has been divided into five distinct, yet contiguous sections: a docking ramp area, a dry dock area for basking, feeding area, swimming area, hibernation area (for winters).

Overall the frame weighs a mere 110 grams and is ideal for housing small sized terrapins.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Beautiful bean-shaped design
Includes five different areas
Expansive swimming space
Non-slip ramp for climbing[/i2pros][i2cons]It is suitable only for baby turtles
Not available in bigger sizes[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Tip: If you’re starting with a baby red ear slider or musk turtle, this tank will be great for housing it for a few years.

#2 Reptile Aquarium Tank With Platform Plants (White)

This beautifully designed sturdy plastic tank is ideal for hosting your baby turtle for a few years. It has a high-quality plastic base which is completely safe (non-toxic), does not deform, and is highly durable. 

The tank has been designed in a bean (kidney) shape and has a dedicated swimming space, basking platform, connecting ramp (non-slip), feeding area, and hibernation space.

For the tank to perform optimally, you should buy assorted accessories such as a basking lamp, filter, aquarium heater, and so on.

The tank itself has five different areas for the turtle to explore and use depending on conditions (whether it’s feeding time or swimming time or basking time).

The tank itself weighs only a meager 110 grams and can house 5 gallons of water (don’t fill it up completely).

It is white colored (semi-transparent), aesthetically pleasing, and highly functional too. 

Your pet turtle will love swimming around the expansive space (for a baby turtle) and the basking platform is also ideal for it to enjoy the heat of a UV lamp.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”″ ][i2pros]It has a beautiful kidney-shaped design
Aesthetically pleasing white color
There is a non-slip ramp
Expansive swimming area[/i2pros][i2cons]It is only available in one size
Not suited for bigger turtles[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: This tank is both beautiful and highly functional, your turtle will love swimming around in it and you will have a good time observing from a distance.

#3 Reptile Aquarium Tank With Platform Plants (Black)

This black colored tank is perfect for housing young turtles and terrapins, or amphibians, crayfish, hermit crabs.

For a baby turtle, the tank provides an expansive space for roaming around and having fun.

There is a dedicated basking platform, connected with a non-slip ramp that turtles can climb on. 

You will need additional accessories to get the best out of the tank, but all in all, it is perfect for housing the little beings.

This turtle tank includes black-colored walls that provide the turtle with much-needed privacy (they hate being observed all the time).

The tank body is sturdily constructed with durable, non-degradable, and non-toxic plastic material, ideal for housing an animal.

The enclosure has a water capacity of 5 gallons, meaning that there will be ample swimming space. 

This tank has four distinct but interconnected regions: a ramp, swimming area, feeding area, basking platform, and hibernation space.

The tank is merely 110 grams in weight, and added with all accessories and filled with water, it will not weigh a lot. It is ideal for housing a baby terrapin.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Impressive kidney-shaped design
Composed of five distinct areas
Wide swimming space
Features a non-slip ramp for climbing[/i2pros][i2cons]You can only house baby turtles in it
It is not available in bigger sizes[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: This tank, when fitted with all accessories, will serve its function very well for housing a baby turtle comfortably.

#4 Tetra Aquatic Turtle Deluxe Kit With Filter And Heating Lamps

This fully equipped, high tech reptile tank is a haven for any pet turtle. Tetra Aquatic Turtle Deluxe Kit comes equipped with a filter and heating lamp dedicated to providing the pet with a serene and clean environment. 

Just put it together, plug it in and voila, it’s ready to use.

The tank has an impressive 20 gallons water storage capacity, which is more than enough for a small to a mid-sized turtle. 

It has a simple yet impressive design and is packed with all the stuff that a turtle needs to thrive, although you may still add your décor and accessories.

A screen top secures the enclosure, while a heating lamp and basking platform allow the turtle to dry up and absorb the UV rays to produce vitamins.

The built-in ReptoFilter offers a 3-stage water filtration system and creates an aesthetic waterfall to add to the tank’s beauty. 

The tank also comes with food and water care samples so that you get everything you need to start with just one investment.

The tank is 30 inches long and will fit nicely in your living room or bedroom.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]20 gallons of swimming space
It comes equipped with filter and basking lamp
Food and water care samples included
Sleek and beautiful design[/i2pros][i2cons]Comparatively expensive
Not available in other sizes[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: If you are looking for a ready-to-use product, and especially if you are a newbie at turtle keeping – try this product.

#5 TetraFauna Vigaquarium (All-In-One Terrarium & Aquarium)

This option is not a tank itself but rather a tank accessory that converts an ordinary aquarium to an amphibious habitat. 

TetraFauna Viqaquarium provides both aquatic and terrestrial beings with the perfect enclosed ecosystem in a fish tank.

All you have to do is to place this setup inside a fish tank and it will be converted into a Viqaquarium ideally suited for turtles and amphibians.

TetraFauna Viqaquarium is an all-in-one aquatic and terrestrial set up that allows turtles to swim peacefully and come ashore for basking.

The setup features realistic and aesthetically pleasing effects like a cascading waterfall that runs down the length of the terrestrial region.

It also offers an easy-to-climb slope, allowing turtles to easily come ashore and bask under a UV lamp (you will have to install one). 

The Viqaquarium does more than just add appeal to the tank, it comes with a 3-stage Tetra Whisper filter that clears out any impurities in the water. 

You can set it either on the left or right side of the tank, and it is suitable for tanks ranging from 20 to 55 gallons in volume.

It is advisable to get a bigger tank so that your pet turtle can swim in it for a long time without you worrying about upgrading it.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]The swimming pace can be ample if set up in a 55 gallons tank
It is visually and functionally outstanding
It comes equipped with exclusive filters
It offers both terrestrial and aquatic realms[/i2pros][i2cons]It does not come with a tank, you have to purchase that separately
The built-in filters are medium-sized, meaning that they may not be as effective in larger tanks[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: TetraFauna’s Viqaquarium will transform any ordinary fish tank into a balanced habitat for turtles. It is suitable for small and mid-sized turtles so you don’t have to worry about replacing it any time soon.

#6 CalPalmy Large Reptile Tank With Easy Access Front Panel Door

CalPalmy offers an excellent dry enclosure for your tortoises and reptiles. 

This is not a conventional reptile tank or aquarium because it is not filled with water or filters. 

It has a front transparent panel door through which you can observe and interact with your pet.

The tank’s body is made up of durable and hardy ABS plastic that, despite its strength, is a lightweight material.

The tank has a moveable mesh on top for placing accessories such as a UV lamp. The tank is portable, and with no water, it can be moved without hassle.

It is 19 inches long, meaning that there is an expansive space for your pet to explore and move around without hindrance. 

You can house your pet turtle, tortoise, bearded dragon, chameleon, or other reptiles in the tank. 

It has a clear front panel, made up of acrylic with ventilation holes for proper air circulation.

The tank is also equipped with a feeding tray where you can serve your pet with an assorted variety of nutritious meals.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]It has a unique and versatile design
It has a transparent front panel which may be opened
It is ideal for all sorts of terrestrial reptiles such as tortoise/bearded dragon
There is a dedicated feeding tray[/i2pros][i2cons]It is not suited for aquatic turtles
No capacity for storing water[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: This is an excellent option for housing terrestrial reptiles such as a tortoise or bearded dragon, although it is not suited for aquatic animals.

#7 Binano Tank For Turtles

Binano has also landed a candidate in our top list and this one is no less impressive than those mentioned before. It is a simple yet highly versatile turtle tank for turtles and amphibious beings.

It has been made from durable, non-toxic, and non-degradable plastic material which ensures that it will last for long. 

The tank comes with a decorative flower and dust absorber, but to get the most of it, you will have to install other accessories.

Once equipped with a filter, heater, and a basking lamp, the tank will function optimally and provide a nurturing environment for the pet. 

One thing I like about this tank is that it has dedicated spaces for swimming, basking, feeding, docking, and hibernating.

The tank’s versatile design assures that your pet will be busy doing something whenever you come to visit and rest easy when it has exhausted its efforts.

The tank is easy to clean, offers a transparent view, and has an expansive area of 15.8 x 9.1 x 5.2 inches.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Durable and sturdy construct
Versatile design
Vast swimming space
Compatible with aquarium equipment[/i2pros][i2cons]Does not come equipped with filters, heaters, etc.
Not available in other sizes[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: Binano is an excellent option for housing your pet turtle as it provides an expansive space and versatile design.

#8 PETLAOO Turtle Tank

PETALOO also offers a decent option for a turtle tank. It has a sturdy and safe build, being constructed from a safe and non-toxic plastic. 

It has a strong and durable framework, ideal for sustaining the weight of all the apparatus and the water while being lightweight and compact itself. 

You will need to set up a filter, lamp, and aquarium heater to finish the ensemble, perhaps even through in some decorative items.

The result will be worth your efforts, as this tank can easily house pet turtles. Your pet will have an expansive swimming area, about 15.7 x 9.1 x 5.1 inches, all for itself.

The tank is ideal for housing young turtles, although you may have to look for a bigger enclosure after some years.

PETLAOO prides itself on its high customer satisfaction and will cooperate to every extent if there is a defect in any of its products. 

You will have to order assorted accessories for the tank to be fully assembled.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Lightweight yet sturdy construct
Five areas dedicated to different activities
Expansive swimming space
Non-slip ramp for climbing[/i2pros][i2cons]You will have to buy filters, heaters, etc. separately
Not available in other sizes[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: PETLAOO is ideal for housing small-sized turtles and terrapins; it provides a safe and nurturing environment for them.

#9 RYPET Turtle Tank

RYPET Turtle tank has dedicated spaces for docking, basking, feeding, swimming, and hibernating, meaning that it is ideally suited for housing turtles.

It has a durable, sturdy yet lightweight frame, made from non-degradable and non-toxic plastic. 

The cool thing about this tank is that can house a small-sized turtle with ease in its vast interior, with ample swimming space to keep the little being occupied.

This 5 gallons tank needs additional equipment like a filter, lamp, and heater to work optimally.

You will have to buy these products separately (as they are not included in the package).

All in all, the product is durable and sturdy, it will last longer than you would need it. 

If you’re starting with a baby turtle, this enclosure will provide a perfectly safe and nurturing environment.

The zero toxicity of the plastic material involved means that your pet will not befall any harm from dangerous chemicals that are normally involved in making plastic products.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]A sturdy and durable construct
Dedicated areas for basking, feeding, swimming, etc.
Non-slip ramp
5 gallons volume[/i2pros][i2cons]Does not come equipped with filters, heaters, etc.
Not available in bigger sizes[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: RYPET’s safe and versatile turtle tank is designed specifically for housing young terrapins and it gets the job done perfectly.

Best Turtle Food – Top 5 Picks

Turtles need a balanced diet to stay healthy and active.

Mostly, they are omnivorous, but to varying degrees, meaning that some will prefer a greater proportion of veggies while others will crave for worm meal. 

The best way to approach the problem is to use pre-prepared, commercial turtle food, which offers a blend of nutrients in one package.

Here are the picks for the best turtle foods available on the market:

#1 Tetra Reptomin Floating Food Sticks

Food sticks are a popular choice for pet turtles, these pre-packaged foods are bursting with nutrients and ideal for supporting growth and vitality. 

Tetra Reptomin is a contender in my top picks because of its versatility and highly nutritious content. 

These sticks are suited for a wide variety of aquatic turtles, newts, and frogs.

Pets readily accept them and they are easy to digest as well. Normally turtles can reject certain foods and will refuse to eat even if they are hungry.

This will not be the case with Reptomin, because it has been made for consumption by a variety of different species and serves general nutrition needs of turtles. 

They are bursting with proteins, amino acids, minerals (such as calcium), and vitamins (Vitamin C).

This mixture of nutrients assures that your turtles remain active and healthy.

Feed your pets once or twice every day and only so much as they can eat in a few minutes (the rest will go to waste).

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Highly nutritious
Easy to digest
Floats on the surface
Readily accepted by turtles[/i2pros][i2cons]You can’t feed your turtle just one food item
Sticks do not provide the stimulus of live prey or freeze-dried carcasses[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: These sticks are well suited for a variety of species and hence you should try them out, your turtle will love them.

#2 Fluker’s Buffet Blend Box Turtle Food

There is no substitute for nature, natural foods are the best thing you can offer your turtle. 

Fluker’s Buffet Blend is ideally suited for box turtles, although it may still be used for other species. 

These floating pellets, like the one mentioned earlier, have a high nutritional value and acceptance rate.

The pellets are formed via a blend of strawberries, mealworms, and green peas, all freeze-dried (you don’t have to worry about them going stale).

Vitamins and minerals are added to ensure that your turtle stays healthy and shows signs of active growth and metabolism.

Proteins and fat are the major components of this meal, as these nutrients provide turtles with much-needed vitality and structural molecules. 

Overall, the food is easily digestible and highly nutritious – the perfect blend for a young turtle.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]This blend is highly nutritious
Turtles can digest it easily
The sticks float on the surface
Natural food[/i2pros][i2cons]These sticks are suited only for a minor subset of species including box turtles
Sticks do not provide any special stimulus[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: Fluker’s Buffet Blend is ideal for turtles as it is a natural product and readily accepted by box turtles, it is a must get if you are starting with this species.

#3 TetraFauna ReptoTreat Suprema Food Supplement

TetraFauna RepoTreat is another excellent natural food source for your pet turtles. These sticks are made from shrimp and krill, two of the most favorite diets of turtles.

They are hence eagerly awaited by the young ones, who will express their emotions by sticking their heads out of the water and devouring the meal as soon as it falls to the water’s surface. 

This meal is an ideal addition to the aforementioned Tetra ReptoMin, as it adds a natural component to the turtle’s diet. 

Please note that this food is not the staple that would be ReptoMin, this is an additive to boost their protein intake.

This meal lacks the percentage of minerals and vitamins present in other foods.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]This food has a highly nutritious mixture
It is an additive to staple food and boosts the turtle’s protein intake
It floats on the water’s surface
It is completely natural[/i2pros][i2cons]You cannot just feed your turtle with this meal, you will need another staple
Does not provide any special stimulus[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: TetraFauna ReptoTreat is an excellent dietary supplement for turtles, and it gives them a much-needed protein boost for an active and healthy life.

#4 Fluker’s Freeze-Dried River Shrimp

River shrimp are among the favorite prey species for freshwater fish, amphibians, and reptiles including turtles. 

Shrimp are loaded with proteins and essential amino acids that ensure good health for a turtle.

Shrimp also provide your pet with a much-needed stimulus of prey (even though it’s dead), allowing them to develop their predatory skills (which will come in handy if you ever decide to release them).

The shrimp are freeze-dried, meaning that you don’t have to worry about them getting stale.  

Also, note that this is an additive or supplement.

You will still need a staple diet.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Shrimp are a great source of proteins for your turtles
They provide a visual stimulus of a prey
It is a natural food source
Shrimp perfectly complement staple diets[/i2pros][i2cons]You will need to feed your turtle another “staple” food
There are no added vitamins or minerals[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: Freeze-dried shrimp are an ideal supplement to your turtle’s staple diet, and a major source of proteins for them.

#5 Zilla Turtle Chasers Aquatic Turtle Treats

Chasers by Zilla is another excellent option for feeding your turtles with a highly nutritious meal.

These floating treats are made from shrimp and are rich in proteins and minerals including calcium. 

As the company puts it, these treats turn feeding-time into “playtime.”

Turtles consume these treats with great acceptance and will crave for more every day.

These natural bites provide an excellent combination for addressing your turtle’s nutritional needs.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]The meal is prepared from highly nutritious shrimp
The treats float on the surface of the water
Turtles show great acceptance to this food
The treats are loading with proteins and minerals[/i2pros][i2cons]The food lacks in components from fruits and vegetables
There is no special stimulus associated with it[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: Zilla Turtle Chasers are highly nutritious and protein-rich treats that your turtle will munch with great pleasure.

Best Water Care Products – Top 5 Picks

For ensuring the wellbeing of your pet turtle, you need to condition the water and remove all harmful chemical compounds from it.

Chlorine and heavy metallic ions can render the water unsuitable for use in aquariums.

Though tap-water may not seem harmful, these unseen dangers can severely damage your pet’s health. 

Using an effective water conditioner can ensure that your tank water is clean and free of all dangerous ions.

Additionally, the formation of a “good-bacteria” colony will also help maintain a healthy tank environment.

#1 Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter7, Bacteria + Water Condition

Setting up a healthy microbial population in your tank is essential for maintaining a healthy amount of nitrates, nitrites, and other organic and inorganic compounds.

The tank water gets filled with such compounds as part of the nitrogen and other biochemical cycles.

Naturally, it takes a lot of time for these compounds to be detoxified and even then the effect is moderated by a vast volume. 

Both of these are not feasible in aquariums.

Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter7 establishes a biological filtration setup, via microbial colonies, that keeps the water clean and safe.

These microbial colonies ensure that toxic buildup is avoided and all chemical components of animal waste are dealt with. 

This brand has been recommended by experts, and it is highly effective in removing nitrates, nitrites, phosphates, ammonia, carbonates, etc.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]It removes nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon compounds
It creates a beneficial bacterial colony
Establishes a biological filtration system
Makes the cycling of organic and inorganic compounds easier[/i2pros][i2cons]The ability to remove ions is not specified
You might need a separate product for conditioning the water[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: This is a “must-get” product while setting up your turtle tank, so that a healthy microbial ecosystem may be established.

#2 Tetra AquaSafe Plus Water Conditioner

Harmful ions and radicals are common in tap water. Though it may superficially look safe to use, tap water is harmful to aquatic beings.

Contaminants like chlorine ions, heavy metals like magnesium, and other toxic compounds like chloramines have a detrimental effect on aquatic animals. 

Fish, amphibians, and reptiles (including turtles) react very negatively to these contaminants.

These toxins hinder growth, can create several health problems, and even worsen infections.

AquaSafe is designed to tackle this problem, use this water conditioner to make tap water safe for your pet.

It is guaranteed to remove all adulterations and water hardness within minutes. 

It adds a slime element in the water so that wound healing (if there is one) can be facilitated. 

This means that your turtle will be safe while swimming in the tank.

Use this product every time you add tap water to the tank (during weekly water changes or to compensate for evaporative loss).

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]It is a trusted brand
It conditions tap water and makes it suitable for your pet
Removes toxic ions, heavy metals, and other adulterants
Adds beneficial slime to the water[/i2pros][i2cons]You will need another product to deal with nitrogen compounds
Do not add in an excessive amount[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: This water conditioner will make tap water safe for use in aquariums and reptile tanks, it will ensure the health and longevity of your turtle.

#3 Tetra EasyBalance PLUS Water Conditioner

The fluctuation of pH is a serious and dire issue with aquarium water. Even the slightest imbalance can break down the entire system, and cause serious health problems for your turtle. 

pH is an intangible factor that needs to be monitored with specialized kits and then be dealt with.

This is where Tetra EasyBalance PLUS comes in, this all in one water conditioner is the number one solution for all water contamination problems.

It tackles the rising level of nitrogen and phosphorus-based pollutants with great effectiveness.

It removes chemical pollutants and in their stead adds minerals, vitamins, and vital electrolytes to the water. 

Regular usage of this product is a guaranteed way to ensure the wellbeing of your pet.

The usage is simple: all you have to do is to add about a teaspoon of the reagent (5 mL) to 5 gallons of water.

Make sure that your tank is properly aerated, before adding this reagent. There is also a water quality testing kit that allows you to ascertain how best to use the product in different conditions.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Conditions tap water
Adds minerals, vitamins, and electrolytes
Water quality testing
Simple use[/i2pros][i2cons]A bit expensive
You will need another product to establish a microbial colony[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: This is surely worth trying to ensure good quality for your aquarium or tank’s water.

#4 API ACCU-CLEAR Freshwater Aquarium Water Clarifier

API Accu-clear is the perfect solution for cloudy or murky aquarium water. Water tends to acquire microscopic pollutants that can be seen but are hard to remove without complete water exchange.

However, complete water changes are not feasible again, and again, this is where Accu-clear comes in.

Just add some of it to your aquarium once a week and witness the magic happen before your eyes. 

It will clear out all the cloudiness and murkiness in minutes.

This product will also cause all the floating particles to clump together so that you can take them out without any trouble.

If one dose fails to accomplish the task at hand, you may add another after some time to get the job done. 

Regular treatments with this product will boost filter efficiency and ensure that your tank’s water remains crystal clear.

This product is an excellent option for clearing out the water, however, you will still need a water conditioner and a microbial culture to max out the cleaning process.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]It clears out murkiness from aquarium water
It makes solid waste removal much easier
You just need to add some every week for optimal results
It is completely safe and non-toxic[/i2pros][i2cons]It does not add vitamins, minerals, microbes, etc.
It will not remove chlorine and other compounds[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: This product will perfectly accentuate your collection of water care items, it is a must-have if you love to watch your pet in crystal clear water.

#5 TetraFauna AquaSafe Reptile & Amphibian Water Conditioner

TetraFauna AquaSafe is a decent water conditioner option for sensitive pets. 

This product has been designed specifically for sensitive fish, amphibians, and reptiles (including turtles).

It is perfect for treating water with metallic and non-metallic contaminants that abound tap water. As established earlier, tap water is not suitable for housing aquatic animals.

There are several adulterants such as chlorine, chloramine, and phosphorus, and so on, which are detrimental to the wellbeing of turtles.

A water conditioner removes these compounds and makes the water suitable for sustaining aquatic animals in it. 

AquaSafe uses the same principle as other water conditioners: it detoxifies these contaminants and leaves the water safe for your pet.

It also adds a colloid to the water to add to its value.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]It removes adulterants and chemicals
It makes the water safe for aquatic animals
It detoxifies toxins
It is suitable for sensitive animals[/i2pros][i2cons]It cannot address to macroscopic dirt and murkiness
It does not add a microbial culture to the tank[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: This product is a decent option for removing adulterants and harmful pollutants from your pet’s water.

Best Turtle Aquarium Filters – Top 5 Picks

Turtles are messy animals. They may look all small and cuddly (please don’t cuddle, they hate it), yet they produce a lot of waste. 

Turtles need clear water, in contrast to common beliefs, turtles hate murky waters (save some species).

This is where aquarium filters kick in.

They ensure that the water remains free from wastes and that your pet stays healthy and happy in a clean and serene environment.

#1 Aqua-Tech Power Aquarium Filter

This filter removes all macroscopic impurities from the water and clears it out. Aquarium filters are a quintessential part of any aquatic pet habitat ensemble.

These devices are needed to regulate the water quality and for ensuring that it never falls beneath a certain level. 

Aqua-Tech products are available in capacities ranging from 5 to 60 gallons, so you can choose accordingly.

These filters maximum water to carbon contact, allowing for effective filtration and they come with removable filter cartridges.

The product follows a three-step mechanism to filter out any impurities. In the first stage, the filter cartridge screens out impurities.

This is followed by the second stage where the activated carbon eliminates odor and any discoloration.

In the third stage, the filter eliminates ammonia from the water, hence detoxifying it. 

The product offers a solid 2-year warranty, which reflects the manufacturer’s trust in its filter.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Removes impurities and dirt
Eliminates odor and discoloration
Uses biological methods to remove ammonia
2-year warranty period[/i2pros][i2cons]A bit pricey
Filters need monthly replacements[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: This is an ideal filter for tanks of all sizes, you should try it out, it is guaranteed to render the tank’s water a crystal clear look.

#2 Aqueon Quietflow E Internal Power Filter

Quietflow, as the name suggests, will not make its presence known but will perform at peak level nevertheless.

This product comes with a limited lifetime warranty meaning that the manufacturers have nothing to worry about its quality and durability. 

Like most modern aquarium filters, Aqueon Quietflow uses a three-step filtration system to clear all impurities from water including mechanical, chemical, and biological adulterants. 

The filter can be set inside the aquarium with suction cups and once connected to a power source, it will operate automatically.

In case the power is cut down, the filter will automatically resume its activities when the power comes back on. 

The mechanical filter eliminates all debris and dirt, chemical filtration clears out toxins, while biological filtration eliminates ammonia.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]It uses three different filtration mechanisms to eliminate all impurities
Clears out the water, making it crystal clear
Easy to set up
Limited lifetime warranty[/i2pros][i2cons]Not available in capacities above 40 gallons
Filters must be replaced time and again[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: This filter is quiet, efficient, and effective, it offers the complete deal, but only for tanks up to 40 gallons.

#3 Marineland Penguin Bio-Wheel Power Filter

This is a unique option for large-sized tanks. This filter not only clears out water in three stages, but it also uses an exclusive Bio-Wheel filter for dry and wet bio-filtration.

The filter is simple to set up and is available in multiple sizes (all suited for large tanks, starting from 75 gallons). 

The filter removes debris and dirt via a mechanical sponge, chemical adulterants via a chemical filtration unit, and ammonia via a patented Bio-Wheel filtration system.

These filters are ideal for when your pet turtle has grown up and you’ve decided to make the shift to a bigger tank.

However, if you’re using a smaller tank, this filter may not be right for you.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]It uses a patented Bio-Wheel filtration technology
It removes mechanical, chemical and biological wastes
It is compatible with large-sized tanks
It is highly sophisticated and uses advanced technology[/i2pros][i2cons]It is comparatively a bit pricey
Not suitable for smaller tanks[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: When your turtle grows up a bit and you finally make the shift to a larger tank, use Marineland Penguin Bio-Wheel filter.

#4 Tetra Whisper EX Silent Multi-Stage Power Filter

Tetra has landed candidates in almost every category on this list, and for good reason, this company is reputed for the quality of its products. 

This filter is no different when powered by Tetra’s goodness, Whisper is a silent but highly potent option for keeping your turtle tank spick and span.

This filter does not require any complicated setup, it comes prepared out of the box and all you have to do is to place it in the aquarium and voila. 

Whisper offers a multistage cleaning process that eliminates all sorts of pollutants, be they nitrogenous wastes, debris, or chemical adulterants.

Its continuous flow technology assures that debris does not pile up and you get to see your pet in perfectly clean and clear water. 

The cartridge removal is also a no-fuss business, owing to the no-drip technology.

All in all, this is a pretty decent option for a medium-sized tank.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Offers a 3 stage cleaning mechanism
No drip technology for filter removal
Continuous flow prevent debris buildup
Easy setup[/i2pros][i2cons]Warranty policy not clear
Cartridge removal time not specified[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: This is a durable and effective solution for a mid-sized turtle tank, it will keep the water perfectly clean for your pet.

#5 Whisper IQ Power Filter

Whisper IQ is another product from the highly acclaimed Tetra Company. This product, like its predecessor, offers a quiet (less than 40 dB) operation but makes no compromise on quality.

The filter does not require any priming since it may be used as it is. 

Just put it in your aquarium, plug it in and that’s it.

The filter requires monthly cartridge replacements, use Tetra cartridges for best results.

It uses a multi-step filtration system to ensure complete purification of the tank’s water.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”″ ][i2pros]It uses a 3 stage mechanism for complete purification of the water
The machine operates quietly, below 40 dB
No priming required
Complete cleaning of the water is guaranteed[/i2pros][i2cons]Warranty duration is not clear
Monthly cartridge removal needed[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: This is a decent option for filtering a mid-sized turtle tank.

Best Turtle Heaters – Top 5 Picks

Water temperature must be kept stable, especially during winters, to keep your pet turtle comfortable. 

Turtles, like all reptiles, require heat from external sources to function.

This is called ectothermy and it limits their abilities during winter seasons, and it is for this reason that they hibernate in nature.

In captivity, however, you can provide them with a constant temperature so that they remain active and happy throughout the year.

#1 FREESEA Aquarium Heater

FREESEA Aquarium heater should get the job done if you’re starting fresh with a small tank. This heater is ideal for 5 gallons volume and will thoroughly heat the water so that it remains between 63°F to 95°F range.

There is no complicated setup, just be warned to plug off all aquarium accessories before you put your hand in the water. 

FREESEA is a 25-watt heater (meaning that it consumes lesser energy than most) with a 6.8 inches long heating rod and an extensive 4 feet cord. 

The heater is accompanied by an aquarium thermometer that allows you to monitor the temperature at any instant.

The heater has a smart heating functionality, meaning that it will only heat up until a certain level of warmth is reached and then pause until the water needs to be heated again.

This smart heating functionality not only saves power but also ensures that the water does not get overheated. 

Keep in mind that the heater will work only when it is completely submerged, but the rod must be handled with care as it is made up of glass.

The product comes with a 2-year warranty, which is enough to assure you of its durability.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]25 watts power consumption
Smart heating technology
Prevents overheating
2-year warranty[/i2pros][i2cons]It must be handled with care lest the glass breaks
Only suited for small-sized tanks[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: If you are starting with turtle-keeping, this aquarium heater will be perfect for your small-sized reptile tank.

#2 Mylivell Aquarium Heater

Mylivell is safe, convenient, and highly effective. This product can easily tackle temperature drops during winters and provide constant and thorough heating for your reptile tank.

The heater consumes about 100 watts of power but is worth this drain as it can heat a 20 gallons tank. 

You should also know that this heater is highly safe and suitable for submersible operation.

It has a durable quartz sealing which ensures the safety and a polarized plug that eliminates the threat of any shock.

The heater can simply be fit into the aquarium or tank with suction cups and then you can monitor the readings with an attached thermometer.

The heater maintains a constant 20° to 34°C (65°F to 93°F) temperature throughout the tank. It is compatible with both freshwater and saltwater tanks (in case you’ve kept a marine turtle). 

The most attractive feature of this product is its emphasis on safety which makes it a preferable choice.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Suited for medium-sized tanks, i.e. about 20 gallons
Maintains a constant and thorough temperature
Thermometer included
The polarized plug prevents electric shock[/i2pros][i2cons]Consumes 100 watts of energy
Not suitable for tanks beyond 20 gallons volume[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: This is a perfectly safe and effective solution for heating your reptile tank. It will maintain a constant and thorough temperature throughout the water body.

#3 Orlushy Submersible Aquarium Heater

This submersible aquarium heater is suited for 15 to 30 gallons of volume. 

Orlushy’s aquarium heater is a highly effective and safe option for heating your tank in winters and it can maintain the temperature in the range of 68°F to 89°F.

The heater is covered with a safe quartz glass covering that perfectly seals the heating rod within. 

This submersible aquarium heater consumes 100 watts of energy to deliver uniform heating across the tank, but you can always choose a model that suits your tank size.

The heating rod is 9″ long, can easily be hidden behind the ambiance, and the cord attached is 6 feet in length.

The heater is perfectly safe and explosion-proof (the glass will not crack open). 

It is compatible with both fresh and saltwater aquaria. You can easily adjust the temperature with an adjustment that is accurate to the limit of one degree. 

If you are planning on getting a mid-sized terrapin tank, this heater will get the job done perfectly.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]It is an adjustable aquarium heater
Compatible with both freshwater and saltwater aquaria
Safe quartz glass covering
It can maintain temperatures ranging from 68°F to 89°F[/i2pros][i2cons]Consumes 100 watts energy
Only suitable for mid-sized tanks[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: If your terrapin swims in a mid-sized tank with 30 gallons of water in it, you should consider this aquarium heater for use in winters.

#4 Fluval E Electronic Heater

Fluval aquarium heater is your option if you have a large-sized tank (up to 100 gallons). This product is effective, uniform, high-tech, user friendly, and completely safe.

The heater uses fast heat technology to raise the temperature of the water to tolerable levels. 

It also has a safety shut-off feature that prevents overheating. 

You don’t have to follow complex steps to set up the device, it’s pretty simple to use. There are dual temperature sensors that monitor water temperatures and inform you of real-time. 

The LCD shows temperature readings in both Celsius and Fahrenheit, the readings for the latter can range between 68 to 93oF.

The product comes with an astonishing 5-year warranty period, meaning that the manufacturers have no trouble claiming that their piece is up to the test of time. 

This heater is also ultra-safe, not only for you (you should still switch off all appliances before you put your hand in the water) but also for your pet.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Powerful and highly effective heater
LCD shows real-time readings in two metrics
Fast heating system
Safety shut off feature
Ultra-safe[/i2pros][i2cons]Not efficient for small-sized tanks
Eats up 300 watts of electrical power[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: This is the ultimate aquarium heater for a large-sized tank. When your little buddy is all grown up and ready to move to a 100 gallons tank, you should consider buying this heater.

#5 Eheim Jager Aquarium Thermostat Heater

This aquarium heater does almost everything you’d expect from a regular product.

The features are those mentioned in previous products but if you are just starting and need a decent product that doesn’t cost too much, then this is it. 

Eheim Jager is efficient, effective, and safe. 

This heater comes packed in a shock-proof glass casing that is guaranteed not to break (unless you want it to).

The heater offers a smart heating feature meaning that it will automatically shut off if the water level is too low (due to evaporative loss) or if it overheats. 

It requires to be submerged to work and has an indicator light that shows that it is working (or not). 

The product is safe for your pet and yourself but you should also handle with care regardless.

This product may seem minimalistic but for most people, that’s what they want, a plain old aquarium heater minus all the fancy glittery stuff.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Effective and efficient aquarium heater
It has an indicator light
Shatterproof glass covering
Perfectly safe[/i2pros][i2cons]Minimalistic features
No temperature readings[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: If you just want a plain old aquarium heater that will get the work done, this is the product for you.

Best Turtle Basking Lamps – Top 5 Picks

Turtles and related animal groups bask in the warmth of the sunny sky to invigorate themselves for the ordeals of a tough day.

In an aquarium, these ordeals would be swimming around, trying to pluck out the décor pieces, or chasing after fish (if you have them in there too). 

Other than this, sunlight helps turtles synthesize certain vitamins that they cannot produce in ample quantities otherwise. This means that basking is not a luxury, it is a necessity for turtles, especially in captivity.

Since you can’t place the tank in sunlight (you shouldn’t), you will need dedicated lamps for reptiles that your turtle can sunbathe under.

#1 Zoo Med Repti Basking Spot Bulb

Zoo Med offers UVA output for your pet turtle to bask under. Ultraviolet radiation is largely responsible for vitamin synthesis in reptiles, such as terrapins.

Most UVA and/or UVB components are offered by mainstream reptilian lamps, this one offers the former only.

This lamp has an exclusive double reflector feature which enhances its brightness and the span of the lighted area. 

This spotlight lamp focuses its rays on a designated spot where your pet turtle can bask in peace.

Ideally, you would place this lamp directly above a basking platform, an easily accessible dry-docking area.

Be sure not to keep it turned on all the time. 

You should use it for 10-12 hours a day at most.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”″ ][i2pros]UVA output
Double reflector technology
Focuses the rays on a designated area
Operates flawlessly for 10-12 hours per day[/i2pros][i2cons]UVB component is not included
You can’t keep it on all-day[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: This is a perfectly fine and simple option for a reptile basking lamp, however, if you want something with UVB, look elsewhere.

#2 Fluker’s Basking Spotlight Bulbs For Reptiles

Fluker’s lamps offer a great source of infra-red radiation for reptiles. These lamps provide light and heat to a designated area where your pet can bask. 

The lamp has been designed specifically to fulfill your pet’s temperature needs. 

Since turtles are ectotherms (rely upon external heat sources), they need lamps like these to avoid fungal infections such as shell rot and sluggishness.

These lamps are available in various wattages (the standard is 100 watts), select the one that suits your specific needs the best.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”″ ][i2pros]Provides infrared radiation to your reptilian companion
Available in different wattages
Prevents shell rot, vitamin deficiencies, and sluggishness in turtles
Directs light and heat on a designated spot[/i2pros][i2cons]UV component information not clear
Can’t be used all day long[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: Fluker’s bulbs are effective and affordable. These lamps have been designed specifically to cater to the needs of reptiles, hence, you should give them a try.

#3 (2 Pack) Zoo Med Reptisun Fluorescent

Reptisun is a clever name for an effective product. This basking lamp, as the name implies, substitutes the effect of the mid-day sun in an indoors reptilian tank. 

This product has been designed specifically for desert dwelling reptiles and lizards but is equally effective and beneficial in the case of terrapins.

This lamp offers a mixture of UVA and UVB components to maximize the results of a basking session.

The radiations contain 10% UVB and 30% UVA rays, a mixture perfect for fulfilling your pet’s vitamin synthesis needs.

The bulb directs light on a designated area, which also gets heated up due to the lamp’s emission. 

The lamp can be oriented in any direction, vertically or horizontally, meaning that setting it up should be no trouble at all.

The UVB transmitting quartz material ensures that UVB radiations gain maximum penetration.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Offers both UVA and UVB radiations
Can be oriented in any direction
Designed specifically for reptiles
UVB transmitting quartz glass assures maximum UVB transmission[/i2pros][i2cons]You can’t use these lamps all day long
Comparatively pricy[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: Zoo Med Reptisun is the perfect option for arranging a basking session for your turtle.

#4 Evergreen Pet Supplies Bulb

Evergreen basking lamps are suitable for all sorts of reptiles and amphibians that benefit from sunbathing.

It flawlessly captures the effect of the sun and provides all the necessary light components (including UVA and UVB) needed for vitamin production.

The harmful UVC component is excluded from its radiation. 

Your pet turtle will love stretching its legs underneath one of these as they are specifically designed for them.

These lamps are highly versatile and are hence compatible with all forms of animal enclosures, including terrariums, aquariums, reptile tanks, etc.

The bulbs are guaranteed to last long as they have been thoroughly tested for all possible flaws. The manufacturers use a 3-step testing system to make sure that all of their products work just fine and are durable.

The bulbs are available in various sizes (and wattages), so be sure to choose the one that fits your tank perfectly. 

For maximum performance, use a high-quality socket to connect the bulb to the mains.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]UVA and UVB components added
Harmful UVC component excluded
Available in various sizes and wattages
Suitable for reptiles[/i2pros][i2cons]Comparatively pricy
Cannot be used 24/7[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: Evergreen lamps are ideal for reptiles of all sorts, these lamps are powerful and safe, and your pet will enjoy basking under one of them.

#5 CTKcom UVA Bulb

This low wattage bulb is perfect for small enclosures. The bulb provides an impressive mixture of UVA and UVB components in its radiations (97 and 3 percent respectively). 

This precise ratio enhances your pet’s appetite, vitamin synthesis, and calcium absorption.

Vitamin D3 is synthesized as a result of such UV radiations, and CTKcom bulbs are designed to maximize just that.

Not only do the bulbs counter vitamin deficiency but also eliminate the risk of shell rot (an ever-present danger).

Basking under this bulb is sure to kick-start a healthy and consistent growth pattern for your little companion.

The vacuum glass tubing reduces the risk of filament oxidation, meaning that they will last longer. 

Please take note that the bulb should only be used for 2-4 hours per day and no more than 4 hours.

This is because the filament is prone to damage due to overuse, but all in all, this is a decent product.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Offers both UVA and UVB radiations
Long-lasting and durable product
Enhances growth, health, and vitamin synthesis
Reduces the risk of shell rot[/i2pros][i2cons]Lacks advanced features
Can only be used for 2-4 hours[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: This is a decent product overall, it offers everything you’d expect from a reptile basking lamp. 

Best Turtle Basking Platforms – Top 5 Picks

A dry surface is another element that a turtle tank must-have. 

It is the most important distinguishing factor between fish tanks and turtle tanks.

These dry docks, as some people prefer to call them, are where turtles come ashore and spread their legs (they do) under a UV lamp. 

This surface can either be floating in which case you don’t have to worry about the water level) or be static.

In the latter case, you can lift the platform by placing it over a pile of gravel so that you can still add more water to the tank.

Here is our rundown for the best basking platforms or turtle docks for your tank.

#1 Penn-Plax Reptology Shale Step Ledge

Penn-Plax is the first entry in our basking platform list for reptile tanks. This product is not merely a dry turtle dock but also a cave for fish and turtles to explore underwater. 

It hence acts as a two-in-one object for your tank or aquarium.

It is guaranteed to offer a sense of adventure to your pets while they are swimming and a decent basking experience when they come ashore.

The ledge is easy to climb and your turtle will not slip when trying to scale it.

The design is also very fascinating, it looks very much like a real rock formation, adding to the natural appeal of the tank.

The shale cave perfectly mimics the feeling of natural habitat. 

If you notice, this turtle product looks extremely realistic and it will blend perfectly with the rest of the ensemble such as aquatic plants and gravel.

The ledge is compatible with all forms of enclosures including terrariums.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Aesthetically pleasing
Looks realistic
Cave and basking platform
Adds to the natural feeling of the tank[/i2pros][i2cons]It does not float, i.e. you’ll have to place it atop a gravel hill to increase the water level
It will occupy a considerable area[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: This shale cave and the climbing ledge is the perfect addition to your reptile tank if natural aesthetics is your area.

#2 Penn-Plax Reptology Floating Turtle Pier

This is a floating turtle dock, offered by Penn-Plax. It only needs to adhere to the aquarium’s wall with suction cups. After that, the platform will float on the waterline. 

This platform is ideal for baby turtles and mid-sized turtles, as they can easily climb atop it and bask under a UV lamp. 

The pier not only provides a better view of your pet but also allows you to interact with it. The dock has been supported with 4 strong pylon supports that are enough to get the job done.

The suction cups must be cleaned properly before you attach them to the walls of the tank, the cleaner the better. 

The pier is easily accessible for your turtle. They can climb atop it with little effort and the platform will sustain their weight without any issue.

The pier looks beautiful and adds to the natural setting of the tank. Just be sure to set it up properly and then you’ll have nothing to worry about.

Just a heads up and this one’s a no-brainer, this product is only suited for a tank with smooth glass or acrylic walls (because of the suction cups).

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Attractive look
Floats on the surface of the water
Strongly supported
Easy to access and climb on[/i2pros][i2cons]Only suited for an aquatic tank with smooth glass or acrylic walls
Not suitable for larger turtles[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: If you want to save up space in your aquarium and add a platform that allows your turtle to bask without hassle, choose this Reptology Floating Turtle Pier.

#3 Zilla Reptile Habitat Décor Shale Rock Den

This realistic rock formation is your solution for a two-in-one cave and basking platform in a terrestrial reptile habitat. 

Keep in mind that this product is not suited for aquatic tanks, it is only meant to be used in terrariums.

That being said, your tortoise will love to cool off under the shade of this cave and climb the ledge to access the basking platform on top.

The material is nonporous meaning that it will resist bacterial growth.

The product can be cleaned easily with warm, soapy water, rinse afterward, and then dry. 

This rock den is meant to be used in a tropical terrarium, this means that your terrapin will not get to play with it.

Its natural look accentuates the theme of the tank. Not only does the product look good, but it is also easy to maintain and is very functional.

It will provide your pet with comfort, the prospect of exploration, and a platform to bask on.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Natural look
Perfect for use in terrariums
Cave and basking platform, two-in-one
Easy to clean[/i2pros][i2cons]Not suitable for an aquarium
Only suited for tropical terrariums[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: This is a great option for your terrarium, especially if you have set up a tropical theme, but it is not a valid option for an aquarium.

#4 Alfie Pet – Fabio Basking Platform

Alfie’s Fabio is an excellent example of mixing aesthetics with functionality. This basking platform is a solid block, submersible in water, or exposed to the dryness of a terrarium.

The product offers a hiding spot underneath it and ledges for the pet to climb on top for basking. 

Before you make any purchasing decisions, keep in mind that this product is ideal for reptiles and amphibians in both aquariums and terrariums.

The cave underneath is an excellent stimulant as it offers a hiding spot (as turtles tend not to stay in the limelight).

The climbing may seem like a great feat but the stable design and non-slip features reduce the effort substantially.

The product has a non-toxic resin covering that ensures that it will last longer and in good shape. 

You will be using this for your pet for years to come and not just because it will last that long but also because of the way it looks.

Its natural design and colors make it ideal for placement in any reptile habitat.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”″ ][i2pros]Natural look
Cave and basking platform
Resin cover makes it durable
Compatible with aquariums and terrariums[/i2pros][i2cons]Does not float
Occupies a lot of space[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: Overall, this product is ideal for your aquarium or terrarium. It will last longer and is guaranteed to complement the natural look of your tank.

#5 Alfie Pet – Jerry Basking Platform

The Jerry basking platform perfectly blends good looks and durability with its design and strong framework.

This platform has a multistep design, with space for hiding out of sight underneath and an expansive basking platform on top. It can be used in both terrariums and aquariums. 

Not only does it look good, but the Jerry basking platform is also easy to climb and blends perfectly with the rest of the ensemble.

The steps can be scaled with minimal effort (especially in aquariums) and the platform on top will allow your pet to sunbathe in peace.

The product has a resin coat, covered with a detailed layer of paint (hand-painting), all of this is non-toxic. 

The resin coat makes this product very durable and you will be seeing it for years, sitting in peace inside your reptile tank. 

It’s not just its durability but the look of it, its functionality, and the way it fits perfectly, that will book its place permanently in your tank.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]It has a flawlessly natural appearance
It offers a hiding place underneath and a basking platform on top
It has been hand-painted on a resin coat; completely non-toxic
You can use it in both aquariums and terrariums[/i2pros][i2cons]This product does not float on the waterline
You will have to adjust its placement to increase the waterline
It will cover the considerable ground of your aquarium or terrarium[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Verdict: This product can be used in both terrariums and aquariums. It has been made from non-toxic materials, durable, and has a great appearance to it. What more can you ask for?

From VivariumTips,


Turtle-keeping is a growing hobby.

People flock to markets for their next pet without any information about the upkeep of the poor being.

This leaves their pets vulnerable to (unintentional) maltreatment which may result in death.

Only when you are equipped with proper knowledge and equipment (mentioned in this article), should you take the step and buy a turtle.

Turtles are loveable creatures.

They are quiet, calm, serene, and ideal for people who cannot dedicate much time to their pets but like to observe once in a while.

The only thing you should be concerned about is providing all that your little companion needs for a peaceful life.

If this guide “Best Turtle Tanks & Accessories” helped you find the proper turtle product, you might want to check out other buying guides:

For articles related to your turtle’s living space, paludarium – here’s a list of paludarium-related articles:

If you have any questions about the best turtle tanks and accessories, be sure to leave a comment below and I’ll answer it as soon as possible.

You can support VivariumTips by sharing this article with another turtle enthusiast! 🙂

The post ULTIMATE Picks: Best Turtle Tanks & Accessories of 2021! appeared first on VivariumTips.

How Often Do Dart Frogs Lay Eggs? – This Might Blow Your Mind Fri, 07 Aug 2020 23:35:48 +0000 When it comes to breeding dart frogs, certain questions can spark. One popular question amongst breeding these creatures is… How often do dart frogs lay eggs? Female dart frogs lay ... Read more

The post How Often Do Dart Frogs Lay Eggs? – This Might Blow Your Mind appeared first on VivariumTips.

When it comes to breeding dart frogs, certain questions can spark. One popular question amongst breeding these creatures is…

How often do dart frogs lay eggs?

Female dart frogs lay approximately five to six eggs every wet season, but there’s much more to it than that.

Before we get started, here are some general information regarding dart frogs you should know:

In this response post “How Often Do Dart Frogs Lay Eggs,” you will learn:

  • the general information about female dart frogs and their eggs
  • their reproduction process
  • tips and tricks when you’re breeding them in captivity

Disclaimer: There may be Amazon affiliate links on – When users purchase through an affiliate link, there will be no additional cost to the purchaser. Instead, I will earn a commission from your purchases. 

Dart Frogs And Eggs: Introduction

Like all other frogs, dart frogs also lay eggs. Female dart frogs lay about 5 to 6 eggs, several times every wet season.

However, instead of laying their eggs directly in water, they do it at a safe place.  Most of them will lay eggs on wet leaves.

If you want to understand more about dart frogs and their eggs, then you came to the right place.

In this article, I will discuss the dart frogs’ reproduction cycle.

Dart Frogs’ Reproduction Process

When it comes to a dart frog’s reproduction process, there are five phases that you have to keep in mind.

  • Courtship
  • Mating
  • Nesting
  • Fertilization
  • Development

Phase 1: Courtship 

The dart frog mating season typically starts between July to September.

They mate during the rainy season.

During this season, the make dart frogs have to court the female frog. The male dart frogs go through a ritual that includes fighting with other frogs.

They establish their territory and stay at the same place until the mating season ends.

When male dart frogs try to attract the female dart frogs, they create loud trill sounds.

Phase 2: Mating 

After the courtship is done, the male will mate with the female dart fog throughout the mating season.

Phase 3: Nesting 

After the mating is done, the female will find a safe place to lay eggs.

They lay up to 6 eggs several times throughout the season.

They mostly lay eggs near the brim of wet leaves where there is a bit lukewarm water. The eggs need to be covered only by little water.

Phase 4: Fertilization 

After the female lays the eggs, the male dart frog will go to the nesting place and fertilize them.

They release a gelatinous substance that surrounds the eggs to keep them from drying and protect them from decay.

Phase 5: Development 

The male dart frog will go to the nesting area from time to time to check the safety of the eggs.

After about 12 days, the eggs that are hatched will lead to tadpoles.

These tadpoles need to reach the water so they climb on their father’s back and he takes them into the water.

The parent dart frog takes them to a safe water location and puts them in the water.

After 6 to 12 weeks thy will complete the metamorphosis and develop into tiny dart frogs.

Tips & Tricks When Keeping Dart Frogs In Captivity

There are numerous questions when it comes to learning the topic of breeding dart frogs.

Since they’re one of the most popular types of pet frogs, here are some tips and tricks when raising them.

#1 Understand The Nature Of Patterns 

When you own a dart frog, try to study its behavior and understand its nature and patterns. Trust me, you’ll learn quite a lot from just watching them.

#2 Give Them Proper Nutrition 

Make sure that you’re giving your dart frogs the proper nutrition. When it comes to breeding, you should make that your frogs have the proper amount of calcium and vitamin A.

#3 Cycling 

If you’re going to breed dart frogs, make sure that you’re prepared for it. You can create a breeding season-like ecosystem. Remember to keep the right amount of moisture and humidity. You can use a spray bottle if you have to.

#4 Create A Breeding Site

You should prepare an egg breeding site for your dart frogs. This is where your dart frogs will lay their eggs. Keep the site in a healthy condition. Clean and spray water of you have to. If the eggs are already there, then you should spray it with water to keep them moist/wet.

#5 Taking Out The Eggs 

Once you feel its time to take out your eggs, you can place them carefully inside a container with water.

#6 Waiting For The Eggs To Hatch 

After keeping good care of your dart frog’s eggs, you’ll be waiting until it hatches. When they hatch, you can expect cute little tadpoles. Through time, you’ll watch it grow into your beloved dart frogs.

And that’s how you grow and start an army of dart frogs!

FAQ: Dart Frogs & Eggs

Below are the related questions when it comes to dart frogs laying eggs. If you have any questions that aren’t on this list, let me know and I’ll be happy to answer it.

How long does it take for a dart frog’s egg to hatch?

When it comes to the timeframe for the eggs to hatch into tadpoles, it’s estimated to be between two to three weeks.

How many babies can dart frogs have?

Dart frogs generally lay between 2 to 12, which can average out to 6.

How can you tell if a dart frog is male or female?

You can tell the difference between a female dart frog and a male dart frog by looking at their toe pads. Male dart frogs generally have larger front toe pads.

From VivariumTips,

If the information on this response post didn’t helped answer your questions, feel free to comment below and I’ll answer it as soon as possible.

Sharing this article is the best way you can support VivariumTips! For any questions, comments, or feedback – please comment below. 🙂


The post How Often Do Dart Frogs Lay Eggs? – This Might Blow Your Mind appeared first on VivariumTips.

My 5 Favorite Best Fish Stores In California In 2021 Fri, 07 Aug 2020 22:28:05 +0000 California is without a doubt one of the biggest states in the United States. With such a massive population, there’s a great number of reptile enthusiasts. For veterans and beginners ... Read more

The post My 5 Favorite Best Fish Stores In California In 2021 appeared first on VivariumTips.

California is without a doubt one of the biggest states in the United States. With such a massive population, there’s a great number of reptile enthusiasts.

For veterans and beginners alike, you might be wondering to yourself:

What are the best reptile stores in California?

Don’t you worry anymore, I’m about to take you on a tour of the top reptile stores I discovered in this state.

Let’s check it out.

Disclaimer: There may be Amazon affiliate links on – When users purchase through an affiliate link, there will be no additional cost to the purchaser. Instead, I will earn a commission from your purchases. 

LLL Reptile & Supply Oceanside

California is known to be famous for its glamorous lifestyle, and the glamour brings with it unique features like having reptiles in your house. Well, for well-stocked reptile stores in California, a visit to the LLL Reptile and Supply Oceanside is definitely warranted.

These are dedicated folks that not only provide you with top-notch service but also guarantee you the lowest possible prices for a vast inventory filled with supplies for reptiles.

Amongst other things, a lot of care has been taken to ensure that the reptile you are purchasing has gone through the mandatory breeding checks to identify any faults, and only the healthy reptiles are provided to customers.

LLL Reptile & Supply Oceanside – Reptile Store In California Details

East Bay Vivarium

If you live in the Bay Area of California, then visiting East Bay Vivarium will definitely throw open new avenues for you in case you would want to keep reptiles in your house. Their quality of reptiles is unparalleled, and they only keep the best and the healthiest reptiles in their inventory.

Their selection of creatures which include pythons, constrictor boa and amphibians like poison dart frogs and fire-bellied toads are some of the best that you can find in this area.

East Bay Vivarium – Reptile Store In California Details

  • Address: 1827 Fifth St c, Berkeley, CA 94710
  • Phone Number: (510) 841-1400
  • Website: East Bay Vivarium

Reptile Factory OC

If you happen to live around Garden Grove in California, and you are in need of the healthiest reptiles around, do visit Reptile factory OC. It has a magnificent collection that is filled with invertebrates, amphibians, and even tarantulas for you to keep in your house.

This exotic collection of reptiles does not burn a hole in your pocket; rather they are pretty cost-effective, and due to only maintaining healthy breeds, these reptiles live for a very long time. Chances are that some of the creatures that you find in the shop may not be found anywhere else in the United States of America.

Reptile Factory OC – Reptile Store In California Details

  • Address: 10108 Westminster Ave, Garden Grove, CA 92843
  • Phone Number: (657) 206-6940
  • Website: Reptile Factory OC

Amazon Reptile Center

With an experience of 20 years under their belt, the Amazon Reptile Center has been able to maintain a good reputation in the business of selling reptiles. They house snakes, scorpions, tortoises, frogs, toads and lizards amongst other things.

The wide selection of reptiles that you would find in this store is unparalleled, and they continue to amass a lot more reptiles in order to quench the desire of hobbyists collecting them. These pets are affordable, healthy, and will live for a long period of time if taken care of properly.

Amazon Reptile Center – Reptile Store In California Details

  • Address: 8851 Central Ave Ste H, Montclair, CA 91763
  • Phone Number: (909) 447-5103
  • Website: Amazon Reptile Center

The Serpentarium

If you are in need of good reptiles to adorn your tank in your house, then you are in luck.  Having a cool name like the “Serpentarium” does not do justice to the wonderful inventory that they have for anybody serious about keeping reptiles in their house.

This store not only as reptiles but also keeps food, which could be life or grounded in the form of powder to be consumed by them. They have had a wealth of experience in running this business, and continue to share critical information with first time owners of reptiles as well when needed.

The Serpentarium – Reptile Store In California Details

  • Address: 3500 Sisk Rd Ste k, Modesto, CA 95356
  • Phone Number: (209) 596-4736
  • Website: The Serpentarium

From VivariumTips,

Hopefully, this guide helped you find the perfect location for your reptiles!

If you by any chance visited any of the locations from the recommendations in this guide, please comment on your review below this article.

When it comes to owning reptiles, many owners raise them in a paludarium.

If you didn’t know, there are numerous types of a vivarium. Paludarium is just another branch of a vivarium.

Since paludarium is one of the more popular ones, you might want to read this:

Don’t know what kind of animals can live in a paludarium?

If you know someone that’s from California and is in search of a reptile store, you can support VivariumTips by recommending this guide! 🙂


The post My 5 Favorite Best Fish Stores In California In 2021 appeared first on VivariumTips.

Exploring ALL The Best Substrates For Bearded Dragons (2021) Thu, 06 Aug 2020 09:31:29 +0000 Bearded dragons are Australian reptiles that are fun to keep as a pet. As they have evolved to live in habitats that are closest to humans, they can easily adapt ... Read more

The post Exploring ALL The Best Substrates For Bearded Dragons (2021) appeared first on VivariumTips.

Bearded dragons are Australian reptiles that are fun to keep as a pet. As they have evolved to live in habitats that are closest to humans, they can easily adapt to living with you.

They thrive mostly in woodlands and shrublands; therefore, if you want to keep them as a pet, you might want to give them the same natural environment to live in.

So what exactly is the best substrates for bearded dragons?

One thing you must do is choose a good substrate for your bearded dragon.

best substrate for bearded dragons
blende12 | Pixabay

The market is flush with many kinds of substrates and you will get confused if you are just a newbie.

This buying guide will serve as a yardstick through which you can gauge out the best substrate for your bearded dragon.

I have also enlisted the best substrates you can buy in this buyers’ guide.

In this buyers’ guide, “Exploring The Best Substrate For Bearded Dragons,” you will learn:

  • if bearded dragons need substrates or not
  • the type of substrates that bearded dragons can use
  • cost-effect substrate alternatives for bearded dragons
  • the best substrates for your bearded dragon
  • pros vs. cons
  • loose substrate
  • sand substrate

Ready to find the perfect substrate for your bearded dragon?

Disclaimer: There may be Amazon affiliate links on – When users purchase through an affiliate link, there will be no additional cost to the purchaser. Instead, I will earn a commission from your purchases. 

You can use this filter below to find the best substrates for your paludarium!

Finding The Right Substrates For Bearded Dragons

➡️ List of Substrates Below
Trap In SubstrateFeeders HidingDry SkinCauses IrritationSticks To Wound/SkinNutritional Associated With ImpactionCreates Odor Creates Growth of PathogenHard To CleanPoor Stimulation - Stress Reduction If Likely
➡️ Tiles UnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikely
➡️ LinoleumUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikely
➡️ Artificial GrassLikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyLikelyLikelyPossiblyLikely
➡️ Reptile CarpetLikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyLikelyLikelyPossiblyLikely
➡️ GravelUnlikelyLikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikely
➡️ Wood Chips or BarkUnlikelyLikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyLikelyUnlikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyUnlikely
➡️ WalnutUnlikelyLikelyUnlikelyLikelyLikelyUnlikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyUnlikely
➡️ Paper MaterialUnlikelyLikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyPossiblyUnlikelyUnlikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikely
➡️ Clay SandLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyUnlikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyUnlikely
➡️ Children's Sand ClayUnlikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyUnlikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyUnlikely
➡️ Vita / Calci SandUnlikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyUnlikely
➡️ LeavesUnlikelyLikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyPossiblyPossiblyUnlikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyUnlikely
➡️ Alfalfa or Lucerne PelletsUnlikelyLikelyUnlikelyPossiblyLikelyLikelyUnlikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyUnlikely
➡️ Corn CobUnlikelyLikelyUnlikelyPossiblyLikelyUnlikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyUnlikely
➡️ SeedsUnlikelyLikelyUnlikelyPossiblyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyUnlikely

You can find all the products by clicking here.

Do Bearded Dragons Need Substrate?

best substrate for bearded dragons
Kapa65 | Pixabay

Yes, you need a substrate if you want to keep a bearded dragon as a pet. Without a substrate, your pet will be left on the plain glass which is miles away from its natural habitat. 

Imagine that you are forced to live in a house with a floor made of ice or a floor of shrubs and grass – pretty inconvenient, right?

Although these animals are tough and can live in just about any environment, you are going to subject them to discomfort without any kind of substrate.

Not only it is inconvenient for them, but it is all the more boring as there is no environment for them to adapt to. 

No grass, no rocks, and no sand make your pet miss its natural surroundings.

If you don’t know what a substrate is, it is a layer that you put at the bottom of your dragon’s living area.

Every kind of substrate serves a different purpose.

Common Types Of Substrates

The most common type of substrate used is:

  • clay
  • sand
  • rocks
  • tiles and newspapers are also used sometimes

If you use a natural substrate then, in addition to making the area feel more realistic, it also provides your dragon with a lot more steady ground to walk on.

They are also useful for regulating the internal temperatures and removing the humidity.

Furthermore, if you are using a substrate like sand, then it allows your dragon to engage with its environment as they can bury themselves in the sand which is similar to what they are used to in the wild.

Types Of Substrates For Bearded Dragons

best substrate for bearded dragons
nana_briere | Pixabay

The five types of substrates that can be used for bearded dragons are:

  • sand
  • cage liners
  • clay
  • newspaper
  • tile

Here’s what you need to know about each type of substrate.


Non-silica based sand substrates go well with bearded dragons. Normally you don’t have to worry about ingestion; however, baby dragons can ingest such materials easily.

Some safer sand substrates are made of calcium and are easily digestible.

Just to be safe, I advise you to avoide using sand as substrate for baby dragons.

The reason for this is that calcium-based sand can be metabolized if the juvenile bearded dragons ever swallow it.

Cage Liner

Cage liners are carpet-like mats that are made to look like real grass or have a sandy texture. Liners are the most convenient choice and are very economic.

They have smooth textures but some are rough.

They are rolls of carpets that can be cut to your preferred size so it makes them very simple to handle.

They are most easily washable and reusable as well; hence, they provide you the best value.


Clay allows you to make a natural habitat for your dragon and lets them build burrows for themselves as they would if they were out in the wild.

Clay is mixed with water to give it its shape. 

You can make flat ground, tunnels, and burrows for them and your imagination is your only limit.

It retains its shape after getting firm and there is an added advantage to using clay as you don’t have to worry about your dragon ingesting it.

You can also use another substrate as well as natural plants along with the clay.


Newspapers are a simple and cost-effective substrate alternative to line the bedding of the tank.

It doesn’t have any aesthetics to it and definitely will not make your tank one of the best looking, but it is good for baby dragons as it protects against the ingestion of the substrate.

The only catch is that you will have to change it very often and probably every day. 


Tiles are rarely used but they are an effective and long-lasting substrate. 

I advise using textured tiles so that your pet won’t have trouble anchoring its feet to the ground.

Furthermore, ceramic tiles are hard and can be harsh for the feet of a baby dragon.

Ceramic tiles also require regular maintenance and are not easy to change.

Cost-Effective Substrate Alternatives for Bearded Dragons

best substrate for bearded dragons

The most cost-effective substrate alternatives for bearded dragons are:

  • slate tiles
  • lino
  • artificial grass
  • newspapers and paper towels
  • reptile carpet

Let’s go a little further in-depth about these alternatives.

Slate Tiles

Tiles are best for easy cleaning and keeping the tank sanitized. It is best for all types of reptiles including bearded dragons. The good thing about tiles is that they can either be used as a standalone substrate or as a base for other substrates.

They have two advantages:

  • the main floor doesn’t get too dirty
  • you always have a surface available when you are using it with another substrate

You need to be very careful while installing tiles and make sure that there is no space left between the tiles as water can seep through and cause insects and all sorts of unwanted things to accumulate there.

Once you have installed the tiles, it is the easiest to clean and helps prevent diseases from spreading.

The biggest disadvantage of tiles is that:

  • the surface is slippery and it offers almost no grip to the dragon’s feet; therefore, it is recommended to use it with a separate substrate.


Lino is almost the same as tiles and, just like tiles, it offers little to no grip at all. Be sure to keep it away from sunlight as much as possible.

Artificial Grass

best substrate for bearded dragons
Larisa-K | Pixabay

Artificial grass is a great choice for aesthetics as well as an all-rounder beautiful looking floor. It is a great option to use with tiles to give a more versatile look to the dragon’s habitat.

Artificial grass is also very easy to clean; just rinse it with cold water and give it a couple of wipes and you are all good to go. 

I advise choosing a turf that has an easy to clean backing.

A little bit of a disinfectant solution is also useful for sanitizing the grass. 

Keep in mind that cleaning the artificial grass is necessary. If it not cleaned timely, then it can smell bad.

Furthermore, it tends to get very hot, especially when placed under a light. It can get too hot to even touch and can prove to be hazardous to your pet.

Newspaper And Paper Towels 

Pexels | Pixabay

Newspapers and toilet papers are a great choice for a substrate for baby bearded dragons. Firstly, they are soft and will not cut the feet of the dragon, and second, they are very cost-effective. 

You can replace the substrate with the daily newspaper and it won’t cost you any additional penny.

With that being said, the benefits are purely human-centric and will only benefit the dragon up to soft bedding.

If any kind of illness spreads in the tank, you are going to have to replace it now and then to make sure that you don’t make your pet sicker. The papers are very light and are very easily torn apart. 

Small chunks can, therefore, be ingested by the dragon with the food.

Furthermore, with toilet paper, your pet will get bored soon.

It doesn’t provide any activity for your dragon as it doesn’t even remotely look anything like a natural habitat, and second, feeding the dragon in such a substrate is a problem as the insects tend to hide inside the paper and it is difficult for the dragon to eat.

best substrates for bearded dragons
Scottslm | Pixabay

Reptile Carpet

Reptile carpet is used by people who want an easy to clean substrate and do not have a lot of time to invest in the cleaning. It is very easy to remove and install.

You can spot clean the carpet and wash it whenever you feel like it is dirty. 

Once done cleaning with a pressure hose, wash it with a disinfectant then rinse it with water.

I advise against washing it in a washing machine.

You might find that smell accumulates rather quickly when using these carpets; well, you are not the only one as many people have complained about it being an underlying issue while using these carpets.

The best thing to do is to keep washing it and apply some freshener. 

Best Substrates For Bearded Dragons

Below, you can find the best substrates for bearded dragons! Feel free to comment below this article if you have any recommendations!

#1 Zilla Reptile Terrarium Liner

Zilla substrate is a cost-effective and high-quality bedding liner for your bearded dragon.

It comes in a rolled shape that you can cut to your preference; this prevents waste as well.

The felt is made of a non-abrasive material that is soft and won’t give your dragon problems while moving.  It will be tender for its feet.

It also comes with absorbent capabilities so you don’t have to worry about any kind of bad odor as it comes with activated enzymes that help to maintain a clean and healthy environment by breaking down bacteria and other odor-producing agents.

To clean, you just have to rinse it with cold water. You can reuse the substrate multiple times. The quality is really good and it feels durable enough. You can even scrub it with soap without any issues.

This substrate is one of the best choices for baby dragons because your pet can’t eat it; therefore, it is one of the safest ones out there.

It is available in two different colors so you can get whichever suits your surroundings.

Model Number: 100111759

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”true” title=”Pros & Cons” use_heading_icon=”0″ show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Highly durable
Comes in one piece
Prevents bad odors
Activated enzymes[/i2pros][i2cons]Grains are a bit large
May be somewhat small for bigger tanks[/i2cons][/i2pc]

#2 Zilla Ground English Desert Walnut Shells

If you want to give a realistic desert-like environment to your dragon, then the Zill Ground English Desert Walnut Shells are something worth considering.

This substrate is made up of natural and pure walnut shells that are ground to a fine size.

The texture and grainy feel combined with its color recreate the desert environment. It is also good for giving your bearded dragon something to do as it can dig and burrow itself just like it would in its natural habitat.

If you use actual sand, it will scratch the glass of your tank; but this material is soft and will not be harsh. You can already tell that it will be gentle for your dragon’s feet as well. 

I would advise making a thick layer of about 2 inches at least for a baby dragon so it can dig with ease. 

You can purchase up to 25-quart bags for the amount you need.

For one bedding, you will only need a one-time replacement in one month; this means that one bag should last for a long time.

Furthermore, this material is natural so you can use it for other purposes as well.

Model Number: 11763

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”true” title=”Pros & Cons” use_heading_icon=”0″ show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Affordable
Can go up to a month with one bedding
Beautiful aesthetic appeal
Prevents odors
Allows digging[/i2pros][i2cons]Extra porous texture makes it soggy
The dragon can outgrow the grain size for effective digging[/i2cons][/i2pc]

#3 Zoo Med Excavator

Bearded dragons are known to be playful and all they want to do is eat, dig, and sleep. The Zoo Med Excavator Clay helps simulate the same experience for them.

As it is natural clay, the tunnels your dragon makes will stay put.

It can make multi-level tunnels depending upon the quantity of substrate you put in the glass; this gives them the same experience as their natural habitat.

The good thing about this substrate is that it is 100% natural and is free from all chemicals, colors, or dyes.

Before putting it inside, you will have to mix it with water and wait for it to get firm. Once it’s solid, your dragon will not be able to ingest it.

If you see some dirt or unnecessary things accumulating, you can spot clean it. It does try to prevent odor, but once it is saturated, you will need to replace it. 

If you are using a heat lamp, I would advise to monitor it now and then as exposure to heat will make it dry out quickly. 

Model Number: XR10

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”true” title=”Pros & Cons” use_heading_icon=”0″ show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Gets firm quickly
Fit for digging and making burrows
Mimics a natural habitat
Does not require much maintenance[/i2pros][i2cons]Tends to get saturated very fast
Drys out quickly[/i2cons][/i2pc]

#4 Zoo Med ReptiSand

ReptiSand is finely grained sand that is very good for burrowing. Although it is fine and powder-like, it doesn’t create any dust. To engage your dragon in burrowing activities, this is a great choice.

Made with some of the finest quartz sand with no preservatives or chemicals, this substrate stands out for its quality.

It is a good choice for adult bearded dragons but might not be a good choice for juvenile dragons who are prone to ingesting sand along with their food.

It has a light white color and gives a desert-like appearance. It is also a good conductor of heat.

I recommend filling up the tank with it to about 2 inches.

Although it is sand, you can clean it and use it as many times as you want.

It may get a little tedious but it is worth it especially if you are on a budget. The reusability factor will help you save a lot of money.

Model Number: SW05

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”true” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Reusable
Fit for making burrows
White desert-like appearance
Finely grained sand
No preservatives[/i2pros][i2cons]Not a good choice for baby dragons
Can be easily ingested with food[/i2cons][/i2pc]

#5 Reptile Sciences ProCalcium Sand

If you want something that is natural and closer to bearded dragons’ natural habitat, then Reptile Sciences ProCalcium Sand is worth giving a shot.

This substrate is a pure calcium carbonate material that is a requisite part of a dragon’s natural habitat.

Calcium carbonate has many benefits: it lowers pollution and is a natural filter that will help you maintain a clean environment for your pet.

The fine granular texture helps reduce the risk of a baby dragon ingesting the substrate with its food, so you don’t have to worry about the digestive health of your dragon.

The texture is also very soft so it won’t be harsh for your dragon’s feet.

Baby bearded dragons are especially prone to cuts and abrasions; this will make sure that your baby dragon has it easy.

The best thing about this substrate is that it is a waste regulator.

The substance sticks to the dirt and prevents your pet from spreading it everywhere around the tank.

The material forms lumps of waste and you can easily identify and remove it.

Furthermore, it comes with strontium which reduces the odor to a bare minimum and keeps the tank clean and healthy.

Model Number: 81110

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”true” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price of Amazon” link=”″ ][i2pros]Calcium carbonate substrate
Natural filtration mechanisms
Granular texture
Abrasion resistance
No preservatives[/i2pros][i2cons]May not be good for a big dragon
Not a very high-end substrate[/i2cons][/i2pc]

#6 ZooMed Eco Carpet

If you want something that is washable and easy to clean, then give ZooMed Eco Carpet a try.

If you don’t have a lot of time to invest in cleaning the tank and want a substrate that doesn’t require scooping now and then with no risk of your reptile ingesting the substrate with its food, then this is a great choice.

This substrate is very eco-friendly and convenient to use. The carpet is soft and abrasion-resistant; therefore, it will be very comfortable for your pet to walk on and will prevent any cuts.

This substrate is made from recycled bottles in a very controlled environment; this is partly the reason why it is so cost-effective. 

It can be cut to any size you want and most of the bigger tanks will easily accommodate this substrate.

Even if your tank is of an irregular shape, you can cut this substrate to match the shape of your tank.

Model Number: ET55

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”true” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Reusable
Good for aesthetics
Soft surface
Washable[/i2pros][i2cons]Does not provide any digging options for your pet
Made from plastic recycled bottles[/i2cons][/i2pc]

#7 Hamiledyi Reptile Carpet Mat

Do you want something natural yet carpeted? If yes, then we have got the product for you. Check out the Hamiledyi Reptile Carpet Mat that is made from natural coconut fiber.

It is a natural material that is found mostly in tropical areas. It is completely natural, healthy, and safe for your pet. 

It is soft and non-abrasive. The substrate goes well with baby dragons as it doesn’t harm their soft feet. As it is fiber, it helps maintain the overall environment of the tank and keeps it clean. It absorbs moisture so it is great for reducing the humidity levels in the tank, providing much more room for air.

Cleaning this mat is also very easy as you just need to rinse it with cold water and it will be ready to use again.

The package comes with two large sheets that you can cut to fit your tank.

Keep in mind that the material tends to absorb heat; if you are trying to regulate the temperature through an artificial lamp, you will need continuous monitoring as the overall temperatures will likely be higher than intended.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”true” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Reusable
Natural coconut fibers
Moisture absorbing
Washable[/i2pros][i2cons]Absorbs heat
Can increase humidity[/i2cons][/i2pc]

#8 Zoo Med Cage Carpet

The Zoo Med Reptile Cage Carpet is a budget-friendly substrate that is made from recycled materials.

The texture is soft and moisture absorbent. The surface prevents any accidental ingestion and is great for muscle development as the dragon can easily anchor its feet to the surface.

Coming with two large sheets, this is fit for a sixty-gallon tank.

You can easily cut it and adjust it according to your needs. You can also use another substrate on top of this one to provide some room for digging.

I like the reusability of this substrate as it is very easy to wash and reuse. The best way to clean it is to soak it in warm water and wipe it out.

To keep odors to a bare minimum, we advise cleaning it once a week so that your pet can stay clean and healthy.

Model Number: 26083

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”true” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Easy washing
Budget-friendly substrate
Soft material
Moisture absorbent
Fit for bigger tanks[/i2pros][i2cons]Requires maintenance
Tends to smell if not taken care of properly[/i2cons][/i2pc]

#9 Critters Comfort Reptile Bedding

If you prefer a loose substrate but still want coconut fiber, then Critters Comfort Reptile Bedding is a good alternative.

It doesn’t come with a carpet design and you can make your bedding for your pet. It is made of real non-toxic coconut fiber that is free from all sorts of chemicals.

The good thing about this substrate is that it is incorporated with some sort of enzymes that not only absorb the odor but also break down the odor-producing agents, keeping your tank fresh.

The substrate can be ingested by baby dragons, but that is nothing to worry about as it is digestible and harmless.

Your baby dragon is going to love walking on it and digging in it as the texture is soft and smooth. It provides adequate cushioning and good insulation from heat. The full-size bag should last you for quite some time. 

With this substrate, I recommend cleaning and replacing it every month.

Furthermore, as it is natural coconut, you can make some great composts out of it.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”true” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Affordable
Digestible material
Free from chemicals
Insulator[/i2pros][i2cons]The dragon can ingest it with food
Not suitable for juvenile dragons[/i2cons][/i2pc]

#10 Zoo Med Eco Earth Coconut Fiber Substrate

Zoo Med Eco is a great choice for a natural-looking habitat. It is made from natural materials that are good at absorbing odors and moisture.

Furthermore, it breaks down odor-creating agents to keep the tank fresh and clean.

The surface makes it very easy to clean. 

You might need to remove the waste daily and replace the substrate very often but at this price, this is worth it.

Furthermore, I also advise that you completely replace it every six months.

It comes in a finely ground powder form which means it can be ingested by baby dragons.

It also comes in various sizes so you can choose the one that suits your needs the best.

Model Number: EE8

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-o-down” show_title=”true” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”Check Price on Amazon” link=”” ][i2pros]Looks natural
Digestible finely grained material
Easy to clean
Comes in various sizes[/i2pros][i2cons]Ingestible
Can smell if not cleaned every week[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Pros and Cons of Using Different Substrates

Here are the pros and cons when using different substrates for bearded dragons.

This section will cover:

  • grass as substrate
  • loose substrate
  • sand as substrate

Using Living Grass As A Substrate

So, how about using real grass? 

Does it make any difference?

A lot of people are concerned about how safe it is. I am glad to tell you that you can use grass without worrying too much.

Try adding some dandelions and it will be a natural food for it. Real grass is somewhere between a substrate and a substrate accessory.

If you intend to use real grass, there are a few things you need to take care of

Since there is going to be soil with it, it is best to use untreated soil – a soil that is free of all the chemicals and fertilizers.

Baby dragons are sensitive to chemicals like that and long exposure may cause health issues.

Furthermore, the soil should be free of any kind of parasites that will affect the natural habitat.

While your dragon may happily snack on bigger bugs, small pests such as termites can cause problems. 

Always keep multiple trays ready as it allows for easy replacing and prevents the build-up of unhealthy bacteria.

You might have to test this out a bit yourself first because changing the trays will depend on the grass type, frequency of usage, and other factors.

Using A Loose Substrate

What kind of substrate will be the most suitable for your pet depends on its health and age.

There are some complications like problems laying eggs if not provided in the right environment.

Females are known to retain their eggs and will not lay them until they are provided with sand to dig themselves in and finally lay their eggs.

Loose substrates are best used in combination with some other type of housing material. 

I don’t recommend spreading the loose substrate all over and use it as a standalone.

The dry environment can make ingestible chunks and excessive humidity can be caused by porous substrates which can absorb fluids that can further contribute to causing health issues.

Some issues that come with using a loose substrate are:

  • These substrates can be easily consumed by babies and can cause some serious complications if their digestive system is blocked.
  • Loose substrates are often for one-time use and cannot be cleaned. Some of them can be cleaned but they require extensive effort which is just not worth the time.
  • Substrates like those made from walnut are breeding grounds for harmful pathogens.
  • If you feed the dragon with live insects then there will be a lot of opportunities for the insects to hide and attack it later.
  • Loose substrates can also get to areas such as wounds and eyes and cause contamination and infection.
  • Some of the fine substrates produce dust which is hazardous to health.

Let’s get one thing clear here: a substrate requires cleaning and replacement. Cleaning involves removing debris, cleaning of the ground, and finally disinfecting.

You should also know that while some substrates that are made up of edible materials like coconut are unlikely to cause any harm if ingested in small amounts; none of the other substrates are safe to eat even if the manufacturer claims so.

Even if the item is edible, there are hygienic concerns which can create a plethora of problems. 

So what to do if your dragon is ingesting the substrate?

Here are some tips:

  • Only put the substrate in a small area like where you intend for the dragon to dig.
  • If you can’t do that and have to spread it on the floor, try changing your feeding location to a place that doesn’t contain any substrate.
  • Look for stress indicators like trying to get out of the glass, running away when it sees you, hitting on the glass walls. Stress can cause behavioral changes in dragons which can cause them to exhibit an unusual type of appetite.
  • Pay special attention to diet. There is a possibility that your dragon is lacking in nutrients and is naturally trying to compensate for that deficit.

With that being said, even after taking all the necessary precautions, there is still some substrate that is going to land in your dragon’s stomach.

The best workaround is to get a calcium carbonate substrate.

Even though we still think it is unsafe to ingest, but at least it compensates by making up for a calcium deficiency.

Using Sand As A Substrate

There is a lot of variety when it comes to sand, like desert sand, calcium sand, river sand, beach sand, etc.

It provides a more natural look to your tank and gives the dragon more opportunities to blend in. The dragon can perform digging activities and speed up its muscle development.

Did you know? 

Sand is also good at absorbing moisture.

You can use children’s sand as a substrate without much issue; in fact, it may be the best kind of sand you can use as a substrate as it is seldom ingested.

Desert sand is also a similar choice that can get wet and gives the ability to dig tunnels.

As for children’s sand:

  • it has a more rounded and grainy texture
  • it has lesser abrasion than the other sands
  • it holds most of its shape when it gets dry after getting moist.

But if you compare it with desert sand, desert sand holds up much better than the playing sand. They should at best be avoided as they are sharp and very abrasive.

While it may not be an ideal choice for an all-ground spread, it is a nice choice for a digging box. This keeps the rest of the ground free from sharp sand. 

If you want to use desert sand, I advise using white sand as it is much smoother than red sand.

There are some disadvantages to using sand.

If it gets stuck on the food and accidentally gets ingested, there is a high chance of impact.

Even though bearded dragons are used to living in a sand-filled environment, they are not used to living in a confined space.

This limits room for air and accumulates dust that might cause respiratory difficulties for your bearded dragon.

A combination of two or more substrates and using sand which is not so finely grained can help prevent these issues.

FAQ For Substrates And Bearded Dragons

I have listed some of the most frequently asked questions about substrate for bearded dragons as well as their answers down below:

What is the best substrate for a bearded dragon?

It depends on your preference. We have enlisted a wide range of products from which you can choose the best for yourself.

What do substrates get soggy?

Porous substrate tends to get soggy due to its moisture absorbing capabilities.

Is calcium substrate any good?

It is not only good but is by far the safest of the substrates you can use.

What is the proper way to feed bearded dragons?

Bearded dragons are ardent eaters so you have to make sure that you feed them away from the substrate. They tend to eat fast and take the substrate along with the food. It is very important to feed them away from the substrate so they don’t gobble down the substrate with their food.

How to quickly clean the substrate in your bearded dragons’ tank?

It is essential to give your pet a clean and healthy environment, so you will need to allocate some time to your pet’s cleaning routine. If you can’t spare a lot of time, then you better buy something that is easy to clean and manage.

Top Recommendation

I have provided some of the most high-quality products in my reviews and I think that Zilla Reptile is the best amongst them.

There are a few good reasons as to why I chose that as my top pick. 

First, there is no waste and it is reusable as well and, unlike most of the products on this list, you can cut it to your preferred size and use the right size you need. Also, it is fully washable and you can rinse it with water to clean it and let it dry.

Other substrates don’t give you this luxury of choice.

Furthermore, I also like the color options you get with this substrate as it comes in both green and brown colors. You can easily make your habitat look either like grassy woodlands or a desert.

Also, you don’t have to worry about your pet eating it; so even if you have a baby dragon, you can feed it without worrying.

From VivariumTips,

These small reptiles are an amazing pet to have in a sense that they are tough and don’t require too much attention; this means that they are low maintenance pets.

Therefore, to make your experience more pleasant with them and to increase their comfort, it is necessary to choose the right substrate. 

Choosing the right substrate not only helps in the healthy development of your pet but also keeps it away from a lot of other diseases. 

We would advise you to be careful about baby dragons, however. They are delicate and special care needs to be given to their habitat and their diet.

Small dragons tend to eat everything and may eat it with their food.

Therefore, I have provided a detailed buying guide on how to choose a substrate and have provided the best substrates for bearded dragons you can buy.

Reptile brand mentioned in this article:

Hopefully, this article serves you well.

If you enjoyed this buyers’ guide, “Exploring The Best Substrates For Bearded Dragons,” be sure to check out my other related articles:

For any questions, comment below and I’d be glad to answer it as soon as possible. 🙂


The post Exploring ALL The Best Substrates For Bearded Dragons (2021) appeared first on VivariumTips.

What Does It Mean When A Bearded Dragon Licks You? Tue, 14 Jul 2020 09:55:22 +0000 The increase in popularity of raising bearded dragons has been on the rise. One interesting question that I quite often hear from paludarium owners with bearded dragons: “What does it ... Read more

The post What Does It Mean When A Bearded Dragon Licks You? appeared first on VivariumTips.

The increase in popularity of raising bearded dragons has been on the rise. One interesting question that I quite often hear from paludarium owners with bearded dragons:

“What does it mean when a bearded dragon licks you?”

As comedic as it sounds, this is actually a pretty good question. We imagine dogs licking us is because they love us, but what about bearded dragons?

Do you think your bearded dragon loves you because it licks you? 

From the discovery and research that I’ve made, you will learn about these topics in this guide:

  • Brief Summary of bearded dragons.
  • Learning about bearded dragons’ body language and behavior.
  • Their licking habits.
  • Jacobson’s Organ.
  • Reasons why bearded dragons lick their owners.
  • Things that they lick with reasons included.

Since this article is pretty long, you can navigate to a specific topic with the table of content right below.

One of The Top Reptile Pets, The Bearded Dragon

Keeping reptiles as pets can be immensely pleasurable. They make perfect pets as they do not require much space, their needs are understood and they are, in short, very easy to manage. They can be delightful and precious at the same time.

i left my bearded dragons lights on all night
Photo by aixklusiv on Pixabay

Seeing as there are different kinds of pet reptiles, each with their varying levels of maintenance, it is straightforward to pick one and care for them. One of these adorable pets is bearded dragons.

Top Reptile Pet That Is Manageble

Did you know? 💡 Bearded dragons rank amongst the top reptiles pets that cause no fuss and are very manageable.

They live long and have some unusual behavioral tendencies that are fascinating. You can read on as I decipher everything about their behavior patterns, body language, and why they lick their owners.

SPOILER ALERT: You may be surprised to know that licking comes very naturally to them and is, in a way, their way of life.

Let’s dive a little deeper into the details!

Brief Summary of Bearded Dragons

why do bearded dragons need a basking light
Photo by Cleverpix on Pixabay

Bearded dragons, short for Beardies, are lizards that originate from Australia.

Where Do Bearded Dragons Reside?

They reside in rugged, rocky, and barren areas of the country and are gifted climbers. In nature, they are generally lounging on branches, resting on the rocks, and hanging around in shadowy areas to keep cool in bushes and different shaded spots.

Did you know? 💡 They like their hiding spots and tend to stay in the shadows once they amass enough heat through basking. Therefore, when they are kept as pets, you must be careful about providing them with ample hiding spots.

They are dubbed “bearded” because of their skill to flare out their skin in the throat area when they feel threatened or need to mark their territory.

The Appearance of Bearded Dragons

what does it mean when a bearded dragon licks you
Mylene2401 Pixabay

These beautiful dragons have an enormous triangular head shaped with flat bodies that have pointed spines and ridges running along their sides.

Their scales are edged and can appear very dangerous but, in reality – 

They are soft, nimble, and not at all sharp.

Are Bearded Dragons Omnivorous?

Free-Photos | Pixabay

They are omnivorous, consuming both plants and insects of any kind.

How Big Can A Bearded Dragon Grow?

These reptiles can grow to be sixteen to twenty-four inches long.

Why Bearded Dragons Can Make A Great Pet?

Bearded dragons make tremendous pet material. They do not tend to grow too large; they devour a wide variety of foods, are very active in the daytime, and have a gentle disposition.

These friendly creatures are captive bred; they have curbed care conditions and are easily available and affordable.

A bearded dragon can turn out to be an excellent addition to the household as every member, no matter their age would enjoy its intriguing manners.

The Body Language And Behavior of Bearded Dragons

what does it mean when a bearded dragon licks you
TeeFarm | Pixabay

None of their mannerisms is random; they are creatures that depend solely on body language as a way of communication, so all the little actions have meanings.

Did you know? 💡 Since bearded dragons are not vocal, they use body language to interact with their kind, other creatures, and even the family members.

Humans cannot discern these signs intuitively, but a bearded dragon owner needs to understand to interpret their pet’s gestures, so learning these signals is essential.

Common Everyday Behaviors of Bearded Dragons

what does it mean when a bearded dragon licks you
nana_briere | Pixabay
  1. Waving
  2. Bobbing head
  3. Shifting color
  4. Gaping their mouths

When you appear in front of your pet, they can wave at you as a ‘hi’. While it seems adorable and simple enough, this greeting has a deeper meaning; it says two things that I am here and I arrive in peace so do not harm me. What does it signify?

It signifies as both an indication of having their presence acknowledged and compliance.

That is why scared young beardies feeling insecure will do the wave more often than mature ones.

Waving To Their Own Kind And Head Bopping

Beardies wave among their species and creatures they encounter, too for they are peaceful beings while head bobbing is an indication of domination.

Did you know? 💡 Bearded dragon head bobs when they want to ascertain a social hierarchy.

Their quick head bobs are a sign of warning. Slower bobs mean to indicate submission. They can also change colors due to temperature shifts.

Should You Be Alarm When Your Bearded Dragon Changes Color?

While it is not alarming, if your bearded dragons exhibit a specific color for a prolonged time, you must look into their temperature. They also enjoy basking in the light as one of their favorite things to do.

Fun Fact: Bearded dragons often open their mouths during basking to stave off overheating.

Keeping their mouths open is reasonable if it happens in shorter periods, but for longer, it could imply that their terrarium is too heated or there could be some other health issues.

Bearded Dragons And Their Licking Habits

what does it mean when a bearded dragon licks you
skeeze | Pixabay

The licking nature of bearded dragons is their manner of accustoming themselves to their environment. They like to familiarize themselves.

Every lick collects particles that trigger the Jacobson’s Organ to help them comprehend their surroundings better.

Further, their perception of smell intensifies by the way they lick stuff around them.

Additional Info To Their Licking Behavior

Allow me to explain further; what you call licking behavior in bearded dragons is not how you may be able to interpret and relate to the term.

However, since it has the exact manner and feeling of what we know as licking, it is referred to so much.

In reality, Beardies wield their tongue to get a real impression of their surroundings, and in doing so, they accumulate components that emit receptive signals to their Jacobson’s Organ.

The Driving Force Behind Their Licking Behavior

Curiosity is the driving force behind this licking behavior, and this aspect of interest plays a significant role in explaining the licking behavior seen in Beardies.

what does it mean when a bearded dragon licks you
Foto-Rabe | Pixabay

With each lick, bearded dragons can get a satisfactory grasp on the atmosphere around them as they are very far away from their homeland in Australia.

Just bred bearded dragons are particularly interested in the atmosphere around them and tend to show this licking behavior more frequently.

Earlier in this section, I mentioned Jacobson’s Organ. You might probably be curious and wondering what the heck that is, right?

Learning About Jacobson’s Organ

Now I come to the more scientific part of this behavior now that you can understand better what drives these lizards to lick in the first place.

The Meaning: When these beardies flick their tongue, there are tiny particles that compile on their tongue, which then pushes it into the upper part of their mouths. This top part is entirely connected to a crucial sensor, which is known as the Jacobson’s (or the vomeronasal) Organ.

This Organ is significant as it not only analyzes this information from the tongue but also transforms it into a knowledge that can calm the bearded dragons and help them to understand their surroundings. 

Did you know? 💡 This whole process happens in a flash and cannot be discerned by the human eye.

It is a complex way of nature that allows these creatures to comprehend their location and act accordingly. So what does it exactly mean when a bearded dragon licks you?

What Does It Mean When A Bearded Dragon Licks You?

what does it mean when a bearded dragon licks you
YamaBSM | Pixabay

As you have gathered, licking comes very naturally to bearded dragons and is akin to breathing, while they may be gentle creatures that like their peace, they do need to acquaint themselves with their surroundings and feel secure.

Therefore – if your bearded dragon has licked you, you can now guess why they did that, right. Yes, to familiarize themselves with you.

It generally means they are using their tongues to check you out and see how they feel.

It is a kind of testing of waters as getting known with you. Employing their tongues to get a scent and feel of not just you but also the surrounding environment.

How Does This Relate To Jacobson’s Organic?

Therefore, what it all boils down to not licking you to get a bite; they are only flicking their tongues to amass microscopic particles that  Jacobson’s Organ then deciphers.

Bearded dragons lick you as an interwoven method of interaction and understanding.

In a computerized way, its tongue is gathering, and then sending data to its Jacobson’s organ, which in return educates him about the general danger or peace level around him.

Nature indeed works in beautiful and mysterious ways.

Other Things Bearded Dragons Lick And Their Reason For It

Bearded dragons are not limited to licking human beings; for them to survive and live long; they employ this method to assess every situation. It is part of their anatomical system.

Things They Lick

Some of the things that beardies love to lick are:

  • Items placed in their habitats.
  • Food.
  • Family members.

Reasons For Licking

  1. Assessing the temperature: Bearded dragons are always very curious about the temperature of articles in their proximity. Thus, repeatedly, the licking behavior seen in them can be an experiment on their part to establish how hot or cold a thing can be.
  2. Texture: Another interesting aspect is that bearded dragons are continually curious about the texture of things. That is another reason you will find them just licking away to gauge the texture of things around them to understand how smooth or rough something is.

These characteristics deduce how smart Beardies are, as they need to have an idea of everything, and they make sure to lick whatever comes their way before they can use it or eat it.

Every new item you place in your pet’s terrarium will lick it to get some familiarity before using it.

It makes them feel safe and in control.

Bearded Dragons’ Frequently Asked Questions

what does it mean when a bearded dragon licks you
aixklusiv | Pixabay

Why Do Bearded Dragons Lick Their Lips?

If you have discovered that your Beardie is continuously licking his lips and looking uncomfortable, there is a reasonable cause for this, and a high probability is that he is feeling thirsty.

This could also be a manifestation of how you are not giving it sufficient water.

Nevertheless, providing water for them is not so simple, they will not drink out of a bowl of still water; they want water that mimics their natural habitat like flowing water.

What you should do: The best direction to take is to imitate this by using a dropper and then consider a water dispenser for long-term usage.

Should You Pet Your Bearded Dragon?

While these creatures prefer to be by themselves and most tend to stay aloof to any affection, you can always put them in a restricted manner, so they do not flatten out of fear as some do enjoy petting.

Bearded dragons do sense and display some extent of emotion. Treat them well. 🙂

Start by unhurriedly stroking its head and sides of the face. You can also touch it gently from head to tail, moving slowly and using mild pressure.

TIP: Do not position yourself straight over the bearded dragon’s head while petting because it can feel endangered by any movement above them. Be gentle and loving while also being mindful of the dos and don’ts.

What Does It Mean When A Bearded Dragon Flattens Its Body?

There can be a myriad of reasons for this

  1. Defense Mechanism
  2. Ailment
Defense Mechanism

If he feels threatened, he will flatten out his stomach because, in this state, it will feel larger and more of a challenge to its enemy.

Actions to take: You must leave him to be, so he gets the sense that his predator has left.

Do not stand tall and hover over, as it will only worsen the situation. 


Another reason could be some ailment; if he feels sick or lethargic, he may do this, too.

The best course of action is to check in with the vet. This posture can also be a tactic to regulate its body temperature. If you find your beardie sprawling on a rock, it is only basking, and as I explained earlier that it is one of their favorite past times.

For these lizards, body temperature regulation is of the utmost importance; otherwise, they can fall seriously sick.

From VivariumTips,


With all said and done, now you have a complete and thorough understanding of what it could mean when a bearded dragon licks you, what brings forth this behavior, and how to deal with it.

With these creatures, their entire existence relies on being acquainted with their surroundings, gauging everything around them, feeling things, and deciding if they are in safe territory and what should be their stance accordingly.

Getting a sense of their surroundings: Bearded dragons are inclined towards licking things around them to get a sense of what’s going on.

Nature created their system in a way where the Jacobson’s Organ plays a crucial role in this process, assuring that Beardies get a factual image of their atmosphere.

Furthermore, it does assist with their pheromone detection, which, therefore, helps immensely with cohabitation of bearded dragons, too.

If you enjoyed this article about bearded dragons, you might also like:

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The post What Does It Mean When A Bearded Dragon Licks You? appeared first on VivariumTips.

I Left My Bearded Dragons’ Lights on All Night! (Solved) Fri, 03 Jul 2020 03:48:15 +0000 Forgetting about the additional responsibilities when raising bearded dragons can sometimes make pet owners worry. We often hear: “Please help! I left my bearded dragon’s lights on all night!” What ... Read more

The post I Left My Bearded Dragons’ Lights on All Night! (Solved) appeared first on VivariumTips.

Forgetting about the additional responsibilities when raising bearded dragons can sometimes make pet owners worry. We often hear:

“Please help! I left my bearded dragon’s lights on all night!”

What happens when a bearded dragon owner faces a situation such as forgetting to turn off the lights?

While experts say that it’s fine if it happens once, but what happens if you keep forgetting?

With other responsibilities included, it can be quite overwhelming at times.

After all – pet owners aren’t all that perfect! Everyone makes mistakes.

In this article, you’ll learn about:

  • The problems that you’ll encounter when you forget to turn off the lights for your bearded dragon.
  • Why basking lights need to be off.
  • What happens when you forget to turn it off for a night.
  • and more!

Why do bearded dragons need a basking light?

why do bearded dragons need a basking light
Photo by Cleverpix on Pixabay

Just like a person needing a blanket, bearded dragons need basking lights to help stabilize and help control their cycles during the night/day. This will help assist them with digestion and increasing their appetite to consume meals.

Without a basking light creating heat, your bearded dragon can become sick as well as having a bad digestive system.

After leaving the lights on for a certain amount of time, it’s recommended that the basking light should be turned off during parts of the day.

Why do basking lights need to be off?

i left my bearded dragons lights on all night
Photo by Clker-Free-Vector-Images on Pixabay

While there are pet owners that constantly leave on their basking lights, let me clear something:

Basking lights aren’t needed at night time for bearded dragons!

Yes, that’s right! They simply don’t need it. The following reasons why basking lights should be off is because it’ll help the bearded dragons sleep.

Did you know? 💡 Bearded dragons can easily sense lights, which is why it’s recommended to turn off the lights completely.

What happens if you leave your bearded dragon’s light on all night?

i left my bearded dragons lights on all night
Photo by creozavr on Pixabay

Imagine this – you’re in a rush to help a family member with something from out of town. This caused you to not be able to be home for a night and you come to the realization that you need to turn off your bearded dragon’s lights.

What do you think will happen the next day?

You’re sweaty, panicking, and constantly worried about your bearded dragon.

Your thinking becomes overwhelming, but let me give you an ease of mind.

After not being able to turn off the lights at night time, your bearded dragon’s schedule will be off the loop. Overall, they will be fine – the solution is to help get your dragon back to its original schedule.

Since bearded dragons are light-sensitive, then they probably didn’t get enough sleep. Keep the lights on during the day and turn it off at night time again to restore their schedule.

Common Questions Related To Bearded Dragons

i left my bearded dragons lights on all night
Photo by aixklusiv on Pixabay

Do bearded dragons sleep at night?

Yes, bearded dragons sleep at night time. Since they’re good at sensing lights, it’s required to turn off your lights completely for bearded dragons to sleep.

What happens if bearded dragons get too cold?

When a bearded dragon becomes cold, they will struggle to digest their meals. This will lead to food rotting in the inside of your bearded dragon, which will eventually lead to the unimaginable.

How long do you keep the lights on for a bearded dragon?

When it comes to keeping the lights on, you should keep it on for around 12-14 hours a day. Make your life easier by setting a timer!

From VivariumTips,

In the end, if you did encounter any unintentional mistakes like not being able to turn off the lights – it’s fine the first time. If you know you’re responsible enough as a bearded dragon owner, then don’t let it happen again. You could always set a timer to help keep track of your time.

Raising bearded dragons can give pet owners a lot of responsibilities.

If you’ve never owned a bearded dragon, it’s best to read up on the responsibilities maintaining an ecosystem for your future dragons,

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The post I Left My Bearded Dragons’ Lights on All Night! (Solved) appeared first on VivariumTips.

Can I Leave Crickets With My Bearded Dragon Overnight? Mon, 22 Jun 2020 13:44:59 +0000 For bearded dragon owners, it’s no doubt raising them can be therapeutic and enjoyable. For owners that feed their bearded dragon crickets, one question they ask themselves would be: “Can ... Read more

The post Can I Leave Crickets With My Bearded Dragon Overnight? appeared first on VivariumTips.

For bearded dragon owners, it’s no doubt raising them can be therapeutic and enjoyable. For owners that feed their bearded dragon crickets, one question they ask themselves would be:

“Can I leave crickets with my bearded dragon overnight? Would it be okay?”

Luckily for you, this article will cover it all. In this article, you’ll learn:

  • Basic information about bearded dragons
  • Feeding a bearded dragon
  • If you can leave crickets with your bearded dragon overnight
  • and more!

Disclaimer: This guide may contain affiliate links, which means that I’ll earn a commission when you purchase from it. This won’t cost you anything. By purchasing from these affiliate links, the commission will help keep this blog running with free information.

Bearded Dragon as a Pet Choice

Can I Leave Crickets With My Bearded Dragon Overnight?

Bearded dragons are a popular reptile pet choice, second perhaps, only to turtles and terrapins. These lizards are not only pleasant to the eye but are also quite docile, easy-going, and thrive well under human care.

They belong to the rarest animal groups that bond with their human caretakers and even like to snuggle for body warmth.

Did you know? 💡 Like many exotic and unusual creatures, bearded dragons hail from Australia. They dwell in deserts and thus thrive in warm weather.

You can create a thriving habitat for your bearded dragon through proper lighting, temperature regulation, and a few intricate details in the terrarium.

They are low-maintenance and inexpensive to keep and also exhibit affection towards their owners over time.

Feeding a Bearded Dragon

Can I Leave Crickets With My Bearded Dragon Overnight?

Bearded dragons are omnivores and hence require both protein, preferably from live prey, and vegetables for sustenance.

You should know: Variety is key while drafting a diet plan for your little fellow.

Although it is preferable to feed them live insects, don’t overdo it or else you’ll end up spoiling up your beardie. Once fixated on a particular food item, a bearded dragon will refuse to eat anything else.

Mostly, a balanced diet includes both vegetables and meal insects.


Can I Leave Crickets With My Bearded Dragon Overnight?
Photo by Mike on Pexels

You can create a vegetable mix with green vegetables, squash, carrots, and fruits blended with turtle chow; this will assure the availability of essential vitamins and minerals to your pet, which will keep it healthy.

Meal Insects

Popular meal insects include crickets, super-worms, and hornworms. Most people commit the mistake of feeding their beardie these insects over and over; this ruins their hunger for other items and they’ll only want to eat insects.

Moderation is important here and so is a balanced diet program. If you’re raising your bearded dragon on a pure meal protein-based diet, then throw in some multivitamins to the mixture to avoid malnutrition.

Did you know? 💡 Crickets are the forerunners in meal protein sources for dragons.

They are easy to procure, breed extensively, and simple to rear. Live prey not only provides your pet with stimulation but also satiates their predatory instincts; however, several problems associated with crickets deter owners from feeding them to their dragons.

Not only are these little bugs very mobile, but they hide behind various objects placed in the terrarium and later annoy your pet.

Leaving Crickets With Your Bearded Dragon Overnight

Although crickets are a nutritious option, it is certainly not okay to leave crickets with your dragon overnight.

Here are some reasons why crickets and bearded dragons don’t do well together:

They Bite

Crickets are tiny and fast. They quickly find hiding spots and evade detection. When they begin to starve, they’ll go to every extent to fill their bellies.

They are omnivorous and their bites hurt. Stirred by hunger, they might crawl upon the unwary lizard and attack.

Their primary targets are the beardie’s tip of the tail, toes, and eyelids. Despite their rough skin, cricket bites hurt them badly and can even open doors to infections and parasites.

The most common types of crickets available in the market are nocturnal brown crickets and diurnal black crickets; these crickets have a devastating bite and, if the wound is left untreated, there might be severe repercussions.

If your dragon gets bitten, it is imperative to immediately treat the bite marks with an antiseptic.

Some Crickets Carry Pathogens, Parasites, and Poison

Parasites and pathogens often hitch a ride with their intermediate host to the final one. Although it is uncommon for farm-bred crickets to carry such dangers, the threat is dire in wild specimens.

There is no way to verify whether wild cricket is infected or not. If the cricket was sprayed with a pesticide, it will carry the toxin inside your pet.

Pesticides are poisonous and can be lethal at certain doses. Even if ingested in smaller quantities, these toxins may cause severe damage to the poor creature.

While moving around in the terrarium, crickets may pick up bacteria from decaying food matter or fecal pellets and that can be detrimental too.

Threat of Impaction

It is a general rule of thumb to feed your pet with smaller crickets. The general idea is to choose the ones that are smaller than the gap between their eyes.

Smaller crickets are easier to ingest and do not clog up their gut tract, otherwise known as impaction. This problem can be fatal and hence you must avoid feeding bigger crickets at all costs.

Risk of Choking

You shouldn’t feed big crickets to your bearded dragon as it might choke. If your dragon is choking, you’ll notice a coughing or gagging sound; this is all the more reason for being present during feeding time.

You should immediately try to clear your pet’s throat; otherwise, take it to a vet.

Stressful For Your Bearded Dragon

Dragons, like all animals, respond to stress. If crickets are creeping and crawling over their body, they’ll get agitated.

This won’t be an issue if there’s a single unfortunate crawler as it’ll be eaten; but if a horde of them attacks at once, then that can be great duress for them.

They will shut their eyes and endure the discomfort, which will be worsened when they start biting.

Thoughts On Bearded Dragons And Crickets

Can I Leave Crickets With My Bearded Dragon Overnight?
Photo by stux on Pixabay

If you wish to feed your dragon with insects, do so under your supervision and remain alert. Feed them smaller crickets and do so one by one so that none hideaway to attack later on.

Tip: A balanced diet consisting of vegetables and protein is the most effective one for beardies.

It is also beneficial to dust your crickets with multivitamins to boost your pet’s health.  Always thoroughly search for any stray crickets in the enclosure after feeding time if you’re uncertain.

I would suggest not leaving any crickets in the terrarium if you’re not watching over your bearded dragon even for a little while, let alone overnight.

Your pet’s physical and mental health requires always being vigilant to anything that might cause them harm.

From VivariumTips,

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The post Can I Leave Crickets With My Bearded Dragon Overnight? appeared first on VivariumTips.
